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Course and Program Fees Policy

This policy was posted for public comment from January 4 – 19, 2022.


F-2-f-a has compensation misspelled.

perhaps 5 Refund of Fees, a. could be amended to read "except when a course or program is cancelled, unavailable, or a highly unusual personal circumstance".

Are we really unwilling to refund a student's fees if they drop out after some catastrophic life event?

Is there a reason tuition waivers cannot be used to cover fees for students? It seems like tuition waivers/scholarships/grants should be available to help cover fees. Thank you!

The proposed procedure may be very limiting in that in some cases fees must be accrued over more than one year so as to have sufficient funding to replace costly equipment. See below.

IV. PROCEDURE/G. Accountability Requirements/2. Account Surpluses and Deficits/a./(1) /(2) Review fee balances/ (a) If the review indicates an excess balance which is greater than 20% of annual revenue, a course fee reduction or one-time course fee suspension request should be submitted to the Course and Program Fee Review Committee for its review and approval.

In regards to "E" there needs to be more transparency in how course fees are published and how students are informed. Many students don't know which courses have additional fees until after they have registered for these courses. I suggest these be added to the columns in the class schedule so students can see which courses carry course fees alongside the general information of the class. Currently a student would have to click on the course, and then click on the fee tab to see if a particular course has a course fee. I understand these doesn't change the policy, but I'm hoping it can influence the procedures of how we publish this...

I just wanted to comment here to document that I am comfortable with the audit language in Section G.


Fee Publication, Recordkeeping and Collection (IV.E)

Thank you for the comment and recommendation on how to publish fees in places where students are engaging with courses and programs. We are exploring specific ways to clearly display fees and guide students to them in the catalog, schedule, and other places.

Accountability Requirements (IV.G)

IV.G.2.a - The need to carry account balances forward is real and often necessary to sustain instruction. Following the procedures in section IV.G, each department will identify and maintain appropriate balances per the fees provisions of the policy. There are other ways the College prefers to pay large projects rather than accrue fees over multiple years.

IV.G.5 - To clarify language around refunds, IV.G.5.a was revised to include the text recommendation for additional student support: “except when a course or program is cancelled, unavailable, or a highly unusual personal circumstance.”

Tuition Waivers Coverage of Student Fees

Per the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships, student tuition waivers can waive tuition only per state law. Student fees and additional course or programs fees are not included in waived tuition and must be paid.