SLCC Academic Course Exams
Your instructor may require exams to be proctored at one of our Testing Centers.
- If this is true of your online course, and you live outside of the Salt Lake Valley, you will need to submit a request for a remote proctor.
- Before you come into one of our Testing Centers to take an exam or make-up exam, please review Policies for Test Takers.
- Go to the ‘Testing Services’ tile card.
- If ‘Testing Services’ tile card is not found on your home page:
- Find ‘Discover’ using the icon at the top left or ‘Discover More’ at the very bottom of your home page.
- Type ‘testing’ in the search box.
- Pin ‘Testing Services’ to MYSLCC home page.
- Select the ‘Testing Services’ tile card.
- Select the relevant Testing Center to proceed to schedule your reservation.
- Once in RegisterBlast:
- Select ‘My Exams’ on the top right of the page to see the exams for which the student may schedule.