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The Study Abroad program is offered through the Engaged Learning Office. Study Abroad prepares you to be a global citizen, engaged learner, and scholar. Through integrating classroom and community-based experiential learning, you will gain an understanding of the diverse global environments and cultures around us. Gain an understanding and appreciation of human differences, develop language skills, dive into service or undergraduate research and/or study global literature through international travel.

Program Learning Goals

  • Provide students with theoretical, and/or analytical frameworks, and practical knowledge for living and working in a global society in order to help students to understand how to interact across boundaries and in diverse contexts with a range of people.
  • Expose students to different cultures and languages to gain a richer, more nuanced worldview, appreciate difference, and gain cultural humility.
  • Help students develop and use intercultural communication and language
  • Encourage students to examine the dynamics of power and how it shapes such issues as knowledge, privilege, gender, economics, religion, environment, and/or race relations.
  • Employ discipline-specific approaches/methods in critically examining international and/or global issues, processes, trends, events, structures, etc.


japan templeJapan, 2024 May 12- June 1, 2024
indian peopleIndia, 2024 July 25-August 15, 2024
wild animalCosta Rica, Check Back for Future Offerings!

Thank you Shitennoji Univeristy

The 2023 Spring program was a success! This was the first time running the program since before the first COVID-19 outbreak heavily restricted travel and the group had a lot of fun. With such amazing experiences such as temple viewing, calligraphy classes, Cup Noodle Museum expeditions and more, the students had a wonderful time in the Osaka area!

Student Stories

Check out some stories from fellow Bruins who have studied abroad!

Hello, my name is Gabriel Holm. I graduated from SLCC this past spring with an associate degree in psychology, and I will be finishing my bachelor's degree this fall at the University of Utah. I attended the Costa Rica trip for primate field studies. When signing up for the study abroad program, I wrongfully assumed that it would be simply signing up for the course, and the only thing I would need to worry about for the preceding months is what I was going to pack. I was wrong, there was a full course that preceded the trip, which included learning about primate field studies and putting together a research project. For my project, I decided to research play behavior in Howler and spider monkeys. For this project, I needed to do preliminary research on social behavior on the monkeys, on the site, the different research methodologies, etc. Again, I thought all I needed to do was worried about what I was going to pack.

The research experience taught me a lot, not only about primates, but the scientific process in general. Before I got to Costa Rica, I had the preconceived notion that data collection would be a breeze. I knew that it wouldn’t be easy to find the monkeys, but I assumed that I would find at least one group every day. There were some days that we would hike for about 4-6 hours and not encounter any monkeys.

This extraordinary expedition granted me profound knowledge in the field of primatology research methodology. Through hands-on experience, I had the privilege to observe and study the behavior of primates in their natural habitat. Witnessing the intricacies of their social interactions and their remarkable adaptations truly enlightened me. It was within the depths of the jungle that I realized the immense importance of biodiversity. Each species, no matter how small, plays an irreplaceable role in maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystem. This realization deepened my appreciation for the preservation of our natural world.

Furthermore, my time in the jungle emphasized the awe-inspiring vastness of nature and our own insignificance within it. Surrounded by the lush greenery, towering trees, and an orchestra of wildlife, I felt a profound sense of humility. The jungle reminded me of the sheer grandeur of our planet and how interconnected we are with every living organism. It humbled me to recognize the fragility of our existence and the responsibility we bear to protect our environment.

However, this enlightening experience also shattered some of my preconceived notions. I had naively assumed that data collection would be a straightforward task. Yet, as I ventured into the wilderness, I quickly realized the complexities that awaited me. Analyzing and interpreting the data proved to be a far more intricate process than I had anticipated. It required meticulous attention to detail and critical thinking, challenging me to develop new skills and refine my academic abilities.

Moreover, I encountered an unexpected adversary in the form of mischievous monkeys. Far from being the docile creatures I had imagined, they taunted and one of the spider monkeys even hurled their feces at me.

Amidst the countless moments of discovery and growth, I was fortunate enough to experience some unforgettable highlights. A chocolate tour allowed me to indulge my senses while learning about the intricate process of crafting this delectable treat. Additionally, I had the privilege of meeting a wise medicine man who graciously shared his knowledge of the Ayahuasca plants. These encounters fostered a deep appreciation for the richness of different cultures and traditions, broadening my perspective on the interconnectedness of humanity.

Yet, as with any adventure, there were also significant challenges to overcome. The relentless heat and humidity of the jungle pushed me to my limits, testing my endurance and resilience. And let us not forget the presence of formidable creatures such as bullet ants and snakes, constantly reminding me of the dangers lurking in the forest. However, one adversary stood above all others—the ticks! These relentless pests seemed to have a particular affinity for me, serving as a constant reminder of the importance of preparation and vigilance.

As I reflect upon this adventure, I am grateful for the academic growth and personal transformation it has brought me I would like to express my deepest gratitude to those who supported me along the way. Melissa, your unwavering guidance and expertise were invaluable, and I am forever grateful for your mentorship. To my parents, who generously lent me the financial support I needed, thank you for believing in me and enabling me to embark on this transformative experience. Finally, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to the study abroad office for granting me the diversity scholarship, which made this incredible opportunity a reality.

In conclusion, the lessons I have learned from this profound experience extend far beyond the classroom. Through immersing myself in the wonders of the jungle, I have gained a newfound appreciation for the complexities of our natural world and our responsibility to protect it. The journey challenged my preconceived notions, highlighted the importance of adaptability, and taught me the invaluable lesson of perseverance. I am eternally grateful for the highlights and humbled by the challenges, as they have shaped me into a more compassionate, knowledgeable, and resilient individual.

Thank you all for joining me on this reflective journey and may we all be inspired to embrace the wonders that lie beyond our comfort zones and to protect the remarkable beauty of our planet.

Gabriel Holm Graduating Class of 2022