Strategy 1 - Implement SLCC Pathways
This year, Area of Study (AOS) Design Teams will take the lead in continuing the implementation of Pathways. In addition to completing program mapping frameworks, they will assist in developing a more robust program review process and improving English, ESL, and Developmental Education placement. New this year, design teams will focus on building Area of Study community models to more deeply engage with community and across college divisions.
Charge for 2022-23
The charge for the 2022-23 academic year will include the following elements:
- Implement Area of Study (AoS) community models beginning Fall 2023, with essential elements of community building through student focused events, connection with careers, student representation (modeled after President’s Call, etc.) and collaboration with Student Affairs.
- Complete program mapping framework describing courses, context and support through student progression in AoS.
- Complete Program review, including prioritization and streamlining of General Education coursebank to improve choice architecture and student progress through AoS.
- Develop specific plans for improving English placement, ESL and Developmental Ed support for each AoS.
Key Accomplishments from 2021-2022
- Program prioritization: identified work needed to interrogate and consolidate/reduce from 239 credentials offered.
- General Education governance is now ready to help the college better curate choice and improve quality in some distribution areas.
- Teaching: need to continue to invest in high quality instructional development.
- Focus on learning outcomes assessment at the program level and support for program review and improvement.
- Centering student support around the emerging community councils
Strategy 1 Archive
Jason Pickavance, PhD
Associate Provost for Academic Operations

Clifton Sanders, PhD
Provost for Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer