Strategy 5 - Align & Expand Technical Education & Occupational Trainings
In continuing to align Salt Lake Technical College offerings with system and tech colleges, strategy leads are implementing an Education and Career Pathways Program Advisory Committee (ECPAC) to aid educators in the design, development, implementation, evaluation, maintenance, and revision of professional, career, and technical programs. As part of rebranding, strategy leads will oversee the design and launch of a new SLTC marketing campaign.
Charge for 2022-23
The charge for the 2022-23 academic year will include the following elements:
- Implement the ECPAC model as appropriate for all technical and workforce program operations and recommendations for expansion/elimination, etc.
- Continue program alignment work with system and tech colleges, identify and collaborate with key internal stakeholders and impact areas.
- Fully implement SLTC marketing, internal stakeholder collaboration, external and community engagement.
- Implement recommendations from Business Process Review for tech ed enrollment processes.
Key Accomplishments from 2021-2022
Key accomplishments this academic year include:
- Revised PAC/CTE advisory model as the Education and Career Pathways Program Advisory Committee (ECPAC)
- Program alignment with other system technical colleges in progress.
- Developed and implemented plans for easing students into technical education and Salt Lake Technical College (SLTC) programs.
- Worked with college stakeholders to develop budget requests to meet SLCC technical education needs and SLTC program needs.
- Developed SLTC marketing plan with Institutional Research; funding for marketing manager.
- Engaged multiple internal and external stakeholders to ensure appropriate collaboration for several initiatives including: curriculum alignment, faculty contract alignment, administrative alignment with tech colleges, student intake and academic advising, job placement, employer engagement and career services.
Strategy 5 Archive
- Strategy 5 Technical Education Charge 2022-2023
- Strategy 5 Technical Education Response 2022
- Strategy 5 Technical Education Report 2022
- CPC Response to High Demand Programs CWT 2020
- High Demand Programs CWT Report 2020
- High Demand Programs Memo of Expectations 2020
- High Demand Programs CWT Commission 2019

Jennifer Saunders, PhD
Dean, School of Applied Technology & Technical Specialties

Clifton Sanders, PhD
Provost for Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer