Strategy 8 - Engaging Communities
In order to better serve our community, this strategy will focus on defining a community-led learning mission for the West Valley Center. In addition, leads will continue to expand K-12 and community outreach efforts, including targeted messaging for Associates degrees, Salt Lake Technical College, and Workforce and Economic Development.
Charge for 2022-23
The charge for the 2022-23 year will include the following elements:
- Implement plan to raise awareness around and accountability to goals and establish base line through initial assessment.
- Propose draft language defining community-led learning mission for the West Valley Center.
- Facilitate creation of systems and initial dialogues supporting approved recommendations strengthening academic and student support programs at the Center.
- Carry out efforts to increase visibility.
- Carry out K-12 outreach and community outreach recommendations, including identifying targeted k-12 messaging for Associates degrees, Salt Lake Tech, and Workforce and Economic Development.
Key Accomplishments from 2021-2022
Key accomplishments this academic year include:
- Identified common definitions, values, and process to guide community relations with communities.
- Broadened internal participation in community relations design for West Valley and Kearns community through survey and internal listening sessions.
- Broadened external participation in community relations design through outreach and listening sessions with community leaders and residents.
- Identified community and college goals that guide community outreach and engagement and how it is assessed.
Strategy 8 Archive