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2024 high school Multicultural Conference

November 8, 2024
8:30 a.m - 1 p.m.

Salt Lake Community College's Multicultural Conference is a special event planned only for high school juniors and seniors to connect with students from across the valley! You can choose from multiple workshops to attend, meet new people, and explore what college is like.

Register Here

Remember to talk to your high school counselor about transportation to the conference. 


Pacific Unity Association Club

Weave Your Identity into Success

Join the PUA club as we address and help you navigate cultural barriers such as mental health, time management, and self-reliance. Come and learn how to weave your cultural identity in college.

SLCC Native Indigenous Student Union (NISU) Club

Indigenous Resilience

Join the Native Indigenous Student Union in celebrating Indigenous communities across the Americas through art! NISU will highlight the power of unity and collaboration as we strive together.

SLCC Global Connection and Kurdish Club

Resiliency in our Refugee Community

This workshop reflects the strength, perseverance, and determination of individuals who have overcome immense challenges to build new lives and pursue education, employment, and contributing positively to their communities.


Empower & Engage

Join us for a student leadership presentation by Latinxs United for Change and Activism! Discover our mission to uplift and empower the Latinx community through advocacy, education, and community service. Learn how to become involved in the campus community!

SLCC Black Student Union (BSU)

Pacing Yourself for the Finish Line

Often times, students feel the need to rush through their education which can lead to burnout and stress. Join this workshop about the importance of finishing college, while remembering to take your time. College is not a race.

SEEA Council for Student Advocacy and Harmony (CSAH)

Roblox – Dress to Impress: Theme Advocacy

Have you ever wanted to advocate for others, and be demure and mindful? Join us for this brat-led workshop.

SLCC Dream Center

We’re Here to Stay!

Connect with the SLCC Dream Center, a resource center for undocumented students, asylum seekers, and members of mixed-status families. Learn about the services we offer, and what laws would impact you as you enroll in college.

SLCC Asian Student Association (ASA)

Clubs and Connections at SLCC!

You have a ton of people and staff here to support you at SLCC. Join this workshop to connect with our ASA club, how important clubs are to staying connected and learn about all the offices we work with each year!

SLCC Financial Aid and Scholarship Office

Show Me the Money!

Paying for college can be scary, especially when you’re unsure where to start – so start with us! We’re here to help you learn about financial resources students at SLCC!

SLCC Student Experience, Engagement & Achievement Office

“SEE-YA to the Finish Line!”

The SEEA Office is here to support SLCC students to be successful at our college! Join this workshop and learn about the services and resources to “SEE YA” to the finish line!

SLCC Center for Health and Counseling

Health & Wellness Q&A

An interactive and fun way of getting all your health questions answered by the pros! Questions will be kept anonymous and can relate to any dimension of wellness (mental, physical, etc.)


We appreciate your feedback!
Fill out the conference evaluation form for a chance to win a prize:

Conference Evaluation Form

Taylorsville Redwood Campus Map

We will only be utilizing the Academic & Administration Building (AAB) and the Lifetime Activities Center (LAC) buildings during the conference.

Academic & Administration Building (AAB) Floorplans

Lifetime Activities Center (LAC) Floorplans

Student Center Building (STC) Floorplans

Student Engagement, Experience & Achievement

Find out more about how you can get involved with SEEA! Learn about events and student involvement opportunities!

Admissions Viewbook

Check out the electronic viewbook to learn about degrees/majors, getting involved, and more!

Salt Lake Technical College

SLCC has so many hands-on programs you can start even while you're in high school! Check out Salt Lake Technical College to learn more.

Concurrent Enrollment

Interested in taking college-level courses while still in high school? Check out SLCC's Concurrent Enrollment information!

Campus Tour

Interested in visiting Salt Lake Community College? Register for a tour.

Let's Connect!

Stay up to date on events, deadlines, and more by following us on social media.