Criminal Justice Leadership
Most law enforcement chief executives are looking for ways to establish an agency culture of professionalism, effectiveness, and personal growth, that's why Salt Lake Community College (SLCC), Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST), and the Utah Peace Officers Association (UPOA) have developed CJ 2020, a command level college course, which is timely, relevant, and cost effective.
Course Modules
- Module 1: Foundations of Leadership (4 weeks)
- Module 2: Mission, Vision, and Values Principles (1 Week)
- Module 3: Interpersonal Skills (3 Weeks)
- Module 4: Performance Evaluations (1 Week)
- Module 5: Officer Wellness (1 Week)
- Module 6: Moral, Ethical, and Effective Leadership (2 Weeks)
- Module 7: Contemporary Policing Problems (2 Week)
- Module 8: Community Outreach and Community Principles (1 Week)
SLCC Broadcast/Internet Lecture
Wednesdays 7-9:50 p.m.
SLCC Admission and Enrollment
To participate in the course, please complete the SLCC admissions process and identify as a Criminal Justice student (current SLCC students can skip this step). Once the admissions process is complete students must email with their SLCC student number to be registered for the course.
SLCC Tuition & Fees
State Reimbursement Program
Public Safety Officer Career Advancement Reimbursement (PSOCAR) Program
The PSOCAR Program reimburses up to half of tuition and fees (maximum of $5,000 per year, subject to funding) for students enrolled in criminal justice related programs at a Utah System of Higher Education institution and is available for up to eight academic years.
PSOCAR was reinstated with S.B. 6003, Law Enforcement Tuition Reimbursement in the 2020 6th Special Session of the Utah Legislature after being temporarily discontinued in 2019. Detailed rules for this program can be found in Utah Code Title 53B, Chapter 8, Section 112.
Qualified applicants must:
- be a certified peace officer, currently employed by a law enforcement agency in Utah;
- be seeking a postsecondary degree in the area of criminal justice from a credit granting USHE Institution;
- have earned credit for all classes for which the applicant is seeking reimbursement;
- be employed by a law enforcement agency in Utah as a certified peace officer for three consecutive years prior to the completion of the academic year for which he or she is seeking reimbursement; and
- be employed by a law enforcement agency in Utah as a certified peace officer for one additional year after the completion of that academic year.