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Concurrent Enrollment

SLCC Concurrent Enrollment Data Dashboard

The dashboards below are highly interactive and can be filtered in several different ways: 

  1. Use the drop down filters to select one or more criteria.
  2. Click on or off a bar, box, or other element within a chart to filter the data based on that that piece of the chart.

Additionally, most reports contain more than one page. To cycle through the pages click on the arrows beneath each report. 

You can also enlarge the chart to full screen  by clicking on the double diagonal arrows in the lower right hand corner of the chart. 

Enrollment Dashboard

RELEVANCY: District Administrators, High School Administrators, SLCC Leadership, and SLCC Academic Administrators.

DESCRIPTION: Here you can track both duplicated and unduplicated (unique student count) enrollment trends for concurrent enrollment students taking classes through SLCC. This report allows you to filter the data down by district, high school, discipline or even course. There are charts that will show you the various enrollment trends, and allow you to compare the most popular courses and the top enrolling schools.

Student Performance Dashboard

RELEVANCY: District Administrators, High School Administrators, CE Coordinators, Counselors, SLCC Leadership, and SLCC Academic Administrators.

DESCRIPTION: This chart allows you to see how well concurrent enrollment students are doing in the classes they take. It helps you spot problems such as students who are taking large credit loads and performing poorly. And finally, it shows you how CE students taking classes on a SLCC campus do when compared with students taking those same classes on a high school campus.

Advising Program Dashboard

RELEVANCY: District Administrators, High School Administrators, CE Coordinators, Counselors, SLCC Leadership, and SLCC Academic Administrators.

DESCRIPTION: This report tracks whether students who have accumlated 12 or more credits have developed an academic plan to ensure that those students don't take classes that don't apply toward their degree or major. Additionally, it shows trends in advising appointments students are making with SLCC advisors, as well as video metrics for the academic planning video tutorials which should lead to the creation of an academic plan. Academic planning is a joint program operated by SLCC advisors and high school counselors.

Quality Control Dashboard

RELEVANCY: SLCC Leadership, SLCC Academic Administrators, Faculty Liaisons.

DESCRIPTION: Monitors key requirements for CE instructors to ensure that what is taught in high school concurrent enrollment classes is the same as what is taught on the SLCC campus. Faculty liaisons and College Experience Liaisons are required to ensure this work is done. Tracks new instructor onboarding and training in the SLCC course content, completing of the annual instructor agreement, Canvas course access, College Experience Evaluations, student course evaluations, and site visits. 

Race/Ethnicity & Gender

RELEVANCY: District Administrators, High School Administrators, SLCC Leadership, and SLCC Academic Administrators.

DESCRIPTION: Monitors the distribution of race and ethnicity as well as gender in concurrent enrollment within the SLCC service region as well as gaps that exist between the entire high school population and the concurrent only population within the high school. We focus on race, ethnicity, and gender, because that is the only common dataset our systems have that can be used to identify special populations that might be limited in access. For example, SLCC does not collect data to indicate whether a CE student is low-income, first-generation, or any other factor that might limit access beyond race, ethnicity, and gender, and USBE is not allowed to share their data in those areas with SLCC even if we had it. So our primary focus is on the data we have which is race, ethnicty, and gender.

SLCC Concurrent On-Campus Dashboard

RELEVANCY: Schools who have students participating in the SLCC Concurrent On-Campus Program, SLCC Academic Administrators, SLCC Leadership.

DESCRIPTION: Looks at student participation and performance in the SLCC Concurrent On-Campus Program. Tells you where the students are coming from and what classes they are taking. Helps us identify high schools where students might need additional support in order to boost performance. 

CE Student Matriculation, Retention & Completion

RELEVANCY: All high schools and SLCC academic departments who are participating in the SLCC Concurrent Enrollment program.

DESCRIPTION: This report was developed by SLCC Data Science & Analytics and looks at the total number of enrollents and unique students participating in CE over time, where those students ended up after high school graduation, how well those students persisted and completed their degrees, the majors they pursued, the degrees they were awarded, and the number of CE Transition Scholarships awarded. 

Currently you must have a SLCC login to access this dashboard. We are working on condensing the data and stripping out secure information so we can make this public. Once that is done you will be able to explore this data without a SLCC login. 

USHE Data Dashboards

For more concurrent enrollment data you can visit the Utah System of Higher Education Data Resources Page:

For concurrent enrollment data visit:

For other USHE data visit:

Salt Lake Community College

4600 South Redwood Road
Salt Lake City, UT 84123
801-957-SLCC (7522)

Student Services Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8 am - 7 pm | Friday: 8 am - 4:30 pm

Enrollment Info: 801-957-4073
Monday - Thursday: 7:30 am - 8 pm | Friday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm | Saturday: 9 am - 1 pm

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