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Rising Star Alumni Nomination

Salt Lake Community College’s Rising Star Alumni Award honors SLCC students that have graduated or completed a certificate program in the last 7 years. The award is directed towards alumni that have shown professional excellence and strong community service in the 7 years since leaving SLCC. Up to two alumni will be selected as honorees annually. Rising Star recipients will be honored by SLCC’s Alumni Leadership Council.

Nominations will be judged on the following criteria:

  • The nominee must have completed either a certificate or degree program at SLCC within the past 7 years.
  • The nominee must be distinguished, among their peers, in their professional, educational, or community involvement.
  • The nominee must be someone who recognizes the importance of their SLCC education.
  • A letter of recommendation, written by someone other than the nominator, is required.
  • Self-nominations are not allowed.

Nominate a Rising Star

Past Rising Star Alumni