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What to expect from Career Services

Career Services supports your career journey through coaching, workshops, and resources designed to help you make informed career decisions.

Our Career Coaches offer personalized guidance to help you clarify goals, assess skills, and connect with valuable resources. We also use assessments to create practical action plans. Our team is here to provide respectful and supportive advice.

Coaching Appointment Expectations:

Career planning can be complex, and our coaches are here to help you:

  • Clarify career and major goals
  • Choose a career direction
  • Assess skills and interests
  • Learn job search strategies

Questions to Consider:

Before your session, think about these questions to help focus your goals

  • Why did you visit Career Services?
  • What do you hope to achieve in your first session?
  • What classes have you enjoyed most, and why?
  • Who has influenced you in your career choices?
  • What skills are you most proud of?


Below you will find more FAQs on what to expect from coaches and from our resources. 

Appointments may be offered in person, through video, or over the phone. When you sign up, please check the location so you're prepared to connect with your coach. Note- do not create an account in Handshake as all SLCC students who are enrolled already have an account. You can login to Handshake by clicking the blue SLCC button and activate your account if it is the first time you are logging in. You will need to fill out the survey the first time you log in, then you can go to Career Center to view  appointment and location options:

Schedule a 30-45 minute Career Coach appointment for:

  • Exploring Careers
  • Job Search
  • Resume/Cover Letter Review
  • Interview Prep
  • LinkedIn/Handshake Help
  • Career Planning
  • CIP info
  • Other Career Related Topics

To make an appointment with a Career Coach:

You can schedule an appointment with your area of study Career Coach by activating your account in Handshake and by going directly to our appointment link in Handshake:

For questions regarding holds and classes, please make an appointment with Academic Advising.

  • Appointments are 30-45 minutes.
  • Be ready to discuss your current major/career status and your thoughts/feelings about that status.
  • Come prepared to discuss your interests and goals for the future.
  • It may be decided that an assessment will be helpful for you. If an assessment is involved, the Coach will explain the process.
  • A separate follow up appointment will be made to go over your assessment results.
  • The Coach may use books and/or distribute handouts for supplemental guidance.
  • Career Coaching is a chance for you to find out about yourself, so come ready to talk with your Coach and be open to questions and suggestions.
  • The Coach will NOT tell you what job/major is best for you but will give you more information to help you decide on your own.
  • The Career Coach is NOT your academic advisor and will not assist with course selection.
  • All information discussed during an appointment is strictly confidential and will not be shared with anyone unless you give written permission or there is a clear, imminent threat to your health and/or safety or to others. On occasion, students may want to give permission for information to be shared with academic advisors, SLCC staff, or parents.

Coaching appointments and Mock Interviews at the Career Services are in high demand, and the expectation is that you will show up on time, or cancel/reschedule in advance, to allow other students the option to book that time. It is professional courtesy to follow through on appointments scheduled, to be on time, and to cancel with plenty of notice if you are not able to attend.

Career Services is implementing the following policies effective April 2022 to enforce appropriate workplace and professional behavior.

You can cancel your appointment up to 1 hour prior to the scheduled time. If Handshake does not allow you to cancel online, you can call our reception desk at 801-957-4014.. Please note, if the cancellation is within 1 hour of your appointment, you will be marked as a no show (as outlined below).

No Show Policy
You will be considered a no-show if any of the following occurs:

    • You fail to cancel your appointment more than 1 hour prior to the start of your scheduled appointment, or
    • You are more than 10 mins late (for a 30 mins appt or mock interview), or 5 mins late (for a 'same day mini')

Third No-Show
We know that life happens and flexibility is important. Our policies reflect no-shows after three attempts. If you are marked as a no-show for a scheduled appointment with a staff member a Third time, your ability to schedule appointments will be blocked for the remainder of the semester, and you will need to speak to a Career Services supervisor before your privileges will be restored.

Late Policy
Please be on time to your appointment. If you are more than 10 mins late to your appointment (for a 30 mins appt or mock interview, and 15 minutes for a 45 minute appointment), you will be marked as a no-show and asked to reschedule. *If you have called to let us know you are running late (prior to the end of the 10/15 mins grace period), you may still meet with the career coach, but will only have the remaining portion of the time scheduled for your appointment. If you have not called to notify us that you will be late, you will be marked as a no-show and asked to reschedule.

Career Services is here to help prepare you for the working world, and showing up on time for appointments is considered appropriate, conscientious and professional. If you schedule an appointment at the same time a class ends, you will most likely be late to the appointment. To prevent this, try scheduling the appointment when you know you do not have back-to-back commitments or communicate with your counselor ahead of time to determine if she/he is able to accommodate a later start time.


  • A no-show is considered any appointment in which a student fails to attend without canceling at least one hour prior to the appointment start time, or when the student is more than 10 mins late to their appointment (for a 30 mins appt or mock interview, and 15 minutes for a 45 minute appointment).

  • By scheduling an appointment with our office, you agree to the policies outlined above

  • Appointments are 15 minutes for resume and cover letter edits and 30-45 minutes for creating new materials.
  • Bring a copy of your resume and cover letter or bring it on a flash drive or laptop computer.
  • If possible, know the specific position you are applying for and what skills that position requires.
  • If you have not targeted a specific job, be prepared to indicate the type of job or internship you will be seeking.
  • If possible, bring a copy of the job or internship advertisement.
  • Be ready to talk about your experiences and achievements.
  • Notify the reviewer if the appointment is a class assignment.
  • The reviewer will write critiques directly on your resume and go over it with you.
  • You may receive handouts and/or worksheets to supplement critiques.
  • Appointments are 30-45 minutes long.
  • Walk-Ins are NOT an option for Mock Interviews.
  • If possible, know what job you will be interviewing for and what skills the position requires.
  • If you do not have a particular job in mind, be prepared to indicate the type of job or internship you are seeking.
  • If possible, bring a copy of the job advertisement and your resume.
  • The Coach will provide feedback and offer suggestions.
  • If you do not wish to conduct a practice interview, you can use this time to go over basic interview strategies.
  • The Coach may suggest follow-up appointments if needed.
  • Appointments are approximately 30 - 45 minutes long.
  • If possible, bring a copy of your resume and/or cover letter.
  • Come prepared to discuss your interests and goals for the future.
  • Be ready to discuss your current employment status, any steps you have already taken to achieve your career goals, industries of interest to you, and geographic location of your job search.
  • The Coach will provide guidance regarding what steps to take next in your job search, and how to take those steps successfully.
  • The Coach will provide you with job searching tools.
  • Don't worry if you are just beginning your search; the Coach is there to help you, regardless of where you are in the process.

We offer internships through our campus internship program and cooperative education. Internships are typically a one-time occupational experience related the student's major or career goal. The intern generally gains experience in a professional setting under the supervision of a practicing professional to help you gain new skills and become competitive in today’s job market. The Campus Internship Program allows you to work on campus, in a role related to your area of study, and be mentored by someone at the college. Cooperative Education is a class that offers elective credits toward participating majors if your current employment is related to your major. If you are looking for a job or want to advance in your field, our newest free online job board Handshake has over 3,000 opportunities within SLCC, SLCC and nationwide. Make sure to activate your account and check out what opportunities are out there.   

  • Appointments are approximately 30 – 45 minutes long.
  • Bring a copy of your resume.
  • If possible, know the specific internship you are applying for and what skills the position requires. Bring a copy of the internship advertisement.
  • If you do not have a specific internship in mind, be prepared to talk about your interests or goals so that the advisor can help you identify internship resources.
  • Be ready to talk about your experiences and achievements, and how they may relate to your internship.
  • You will be asked about what steps you have already taken, as well as receive guidance regarding what steps to take next.
  • Be sure to meet with your department's internship coordinator for information about internship credit and approved internship sites.
  • Not sure what job or internship is the right fit? 

Drop-ins are designed to have your “quick questions” answered by a Career Coach.

  • Drop-ins are approximately 15-20 minutes long.
  • Career Coaches can help with everything from resume and cover letter reviews to more complex career-related issues like prepping for an interview, negotiating offers, or starting career exploration activities in these quick sessions.
  • Career Coaches will answer your questions and then schedule a follow-up appointment if one is needed.

 Campus Internship Program position:

  • Before applying for a CIP position review the CIP Student Eligibility Form and answer the questions to the best of your knowledge for the year and semester.
  • To verify you are eligible for a CIP Position schedule an appointment with a Career Coach in Career Services to review and submit the CIP Student Eligibility form which is required to get hired. Please make sure you are eligible before applying for a CIP Position in Handshake.
  • Review current CIP openings by visiting SLCC's Student Job board Handshake
    • If you have not already activated your account, please do so first (it takes two clicks!).
    • Once you have signed in using your Snumber or SSO- the link should take you to all open CIP listings.
  • Follow the instructions on the job description. This will require you submit documents such as your resume, cover letter, and references to the supervisor or hiring manager for that position.
    • Career coaches and staff can review your documents as well as conduct a mock interview if you would like to prepare for the hiring process
    • You will be contacted by the supervisor or hiring manager with next steps such as an interview, presentation, or request for more information
  • If you are chosen for the position, you will need to complete the SLCC hiring process which includes completing online application and presenting I-9 documents as well as other required documentation


Cooperative Education (Co-op) is an academic focused program which allows students to obtain professional work experience while taking courses at Salt Lake Community College. It is a unique opportunity for students to apply their academic preparation to "real world" settings and situations. Co-op programs provide students the opportunity to combine classroom study with periods of paid professional employment directly related to a student's major and career goals.

If your current employment, internship, or volunteer work is related to your academic major, you may be eligible to use it to fulfill elective credit requirements. To earn these credits, you must register for a Cooperative Education CO-OP/Internship course, which is a 2000 level class available in most majors. (This option is not available in Health Sciences)

Note: The course credit has the same tuition cost as any SLCC class. To receive course credit, you must pay tuition according to the number of credits for which you are registered.

Interested in pursuing this type of credit? Talk with your academic advisor or faculty.

Using the Resource Library on Handshake

The resource library is a place where you can view Focus 2, Hot Jobs, and other important career resources. To access the Resource Library log into Handshake - click on "Career Center" on the left hand-side-click "resources" on the middle of the page.


Another way to explore careers and majors is attending our Career Services events. Career Services hosts multiple job fairs a semester. We host one general job fair- this is a great opportunity to attend if you are looking for a job and want to see what options are available, and we host one targeted employer job fair each semester. The targeted job fairs are catered towards employers and students in a certain industry. These events are great for students who know what they want to do and want to explore companies in their industry.  In addition, each semester we host employer information sessions and panels. The employer information sessions are a great way to learn about new companies, their benefits, and job opportunities. Attending a panel allows you to talk to an employer and ask their advice about what it is like being in their industry. Career Services always has virtual and in person events. Make sure to check out our social media and Webster for event information. 

Watch our video highlights below


Questions? Contact:


  Career Services