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Make an Appointment

Appointments may be offered in person, through video, or over the phone. When you sign up, please check the location so you're prepared to connect with your coach. Note- do not create an account in Handshake as all SLCC students who are enrolled already have an account. You can login to Handshake by clicking the blue SLCC button and activate your account if it is the first time you are logging in. You will need to fill out the survey the first time you log in, then you can go to Career Center to view appointment and location options:
Schedule a 30-45 minute Career Coach appointment for:

Exploring Careers
Job Search
Resume/Cover Letter Review
Interview Prep
LinkedIn/Handshake Help
Career Planning
CIP info
Other Career Related Topics

To make an appointment with a Career Coach:
You can schedule an appointment with your area of study Career Coach by activating your account in Handshake and by going directly to our appointment link in Handshake:

For questions regarding holds and classes, please make an appointment with Academic Advising.

We also offer online tools like:

O*NET Online

This website has descriptions of thousands of job titles and what they entail including top skills, pay, education, and job outlook!

Occupational Handbook

  • The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is an American government agency tasked with collecting and disseminating a range of economic and employment data.
  • The BLS is responsible for two key inflation indicators: the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Producer Price Index (PPI).
  • In addition, the BLS produces national and regional figures on employment, labor force participation, productivity, and wages.


Free version of the MBTI. With this assessment, you’ll learn what really drives, inspires, and worries different personality types, helping you build more meaningful relationships.