Free CSIS Tutoring
During scheduled tutor hours, you can meet with our tutors either in-person or online via Zoom. There is the possibility that a tutor is helping another student when you join the meeting. If that is the case, please wait for a couple of minutes.
Alternatively, you can also email your question to one of our tutors. All tutors monitor this email during their scheduled hours and reply as soon as they are available.
Below you will find the schedules of our tutors and the classes they can help you with.
Schedule a Tutoring Appointment
Please do not schedule more than two appointments in one day.
NOTE: Students may not schedule appointments more than three days in advance.
Tutors & Schedule
Name & Location | CSIS Courses Tutored | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Collin Williams TB 425 |
1010, 1013, 1030 (Limited to Java & Web Dev), 1340, 1400, 1410, 2410, 2420 |
2pm - 7pm TB 425 |
Jun Son TB 425 |
1020 & 2010 | 8am - 2pm Zoom |
8am - 2pm Zoom |
8am - 2pm Zoom |
12pm - 2pm TB 425 |
Andy Tran Zoom |
1400, 1410, 2410, 2420 (limited) |
9am - 4pm Zoom |
12pm - 2pm TB 425 |
9am - 4pm Zoom |
11am - 3pm Zoom |
Lexus Lindeman TB 425 |
1010, 1200, 1340, 1400, 1410, 1430, 2420, & 2430 (limited) | 1pm-5pm TB 425 |
1pm-5pm TB 425 |