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General Education

Submit a Course Curriculum Outline (CCO)

Curriculum Library of CCOs

General Education Handbook

General Education Course Approval

New courses seeking general education designation must include a current Course Curriculum Outline (CCO), the General Education Rationale, and a representative course syllabus.  The sponsoring faculty member will present the course proposal to the the General Education Committee.  The committee will discuss the proposal and then take a formal vote. Approved proposals will go to the Senate Curriculum Committee and Faculty Senate for final approvals.

General Education Course Five-Year Review Process

Every General Education course at SLCC is reviewed every five years. The five-year review is conducted and certified complete by the department or division, passed by the appropriate School Curriculum Committee(s), and ratified by the General Education Committee. These groups work together to verify that the course fulfills the intent and purpose of General Education as listed in the Course Curriculum Outline (CCO) and General Education Rationale, that changes in the CCO are warranted by experience in offering the course, and that the criteria for listed designations continue to be satisfied.

The General Education Handbook outlines details about the review process and may be found on the General Education Committee Sharepoint site.

Note: This site is intended for faculty and staff information. Students want to find more information should visit: