Welcome to the Engaged Learning Office!
The Engaged Learning Office at SLCC supports faculty and students inside and outside the classroom. We do this through Community-Engaged Learning and Study Away Programs (i.e., Study Abroad and Domestic Study). These high-impact practices promote deep learning and lead to increased student retention (American Association of Colleges & Universities, 2008). Community-based, hands-on teaching and learning helps faculty and students collaboratively address important social issues. Through problem-based learning and global education, students gain valuable career and life experience while earning college credit.
Vision Statement
Through the support of select high-impact practices such as community-engaged learning, study abroad, and domestic study, the Engaged Learning Office helps support SLCC’s goal of increasing student completion. It helps SLCC achieve equity in participation and completion through critical community-engaged learning, equity- mindedness, and inclusive practices. The Engaged Learning Office achieves its goals through strategically planned faculty professional development, student support, and programming.