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SLCC has partnered with ESCALA, the premier professional development organization for HSIs (Hispanic-Serving Institutions). ESCALA's courses and programs are designed to shift HSI institutional culture within the 3-5 year grant period by building faculty and staff's capacity for change.

SLCC employees who want to learn more about how to take advantage of this learning opportunity visit the HSI Learning Center SharePoint site.

The Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Faculty Fellows Program strategically furthers the scope and depth of work around our emerging HSI designation. It provides a venue for community-building and career development for faculty through a project-based leadership experience, mentoring and coaching, and a series of focused workshops. As we seek to intentionally serve Latino/a/x students while continuing to serve all students at a high level, the HSI Faculty Fellows Program is one of many strategies for strengthening our institutional capacity and exceeding the federal criteria required to be a designated Hispanic Serving Institution.

SLCC faculty who want to learn more about how to take advantage of this learning opportunity visit the HSI Learning Center SharePoint site.


The college has contracted with CyraCom (Voiance Language Services) and Language Link to provide translation services.

The Dream Center at Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) works holistically with undocumented students (with and without DACA), members of mixed-status families, and children of immigrants to access and navigate college, graduate, transfer, and accomplish their goals. Students are welcome at SLCC regardless of their immigration status.

Students are welcome at SLCC regardless of their immigration status. The Dream Center at Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) works holistically with students who face significant barriers in relation to their immigration status from admissions to graduation, transfer, or completion of their goals.

The Hispanic-American/Latinx Library Guide is a list for help finding Hispanic or Latino cultural resources.

The FUNDET Scholarship Program is a private foundation committed to assist Hispanic/Latino adults in obtaining the technical skills to enter the workforce and become self-sufficient.

Scholarships are available at Salt Lake Community College. The scholarship program is managed and directed by the FUNDET Student Leadership Council. To qualify for the program, all recipients must comply with the scholarship criteria.

Student Involvement

LuCha, or Latinx United for Change and Activism, inspires students to become leaders in their communities and support the educational success of Latinx and other underrepresented youth. Through community service, cultural and leadership events, and peer mentorship, LUCHA members seek to increase the number of students attaining a college education and becoming professionals.


Tranquilino "Kino" Hurtado
Director, Hispanic Serving Initiatives