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Course Requirements

Students should complete MATH 1050 (College Algebra) before starting the certification program.

Microscopy CP
Required Courses (16 Credits) Elective Courses (4 credits)
CHEM 1210 General Chemistry I (4) GEO 1010 Introduction to Geology (3)
CHEM 1215 General Chemistry Lab I (1) GEO 1115 Physical Geology Lab (1)
EE 1010 Lab Instrumentation and Methods (1) MSE 2010 Intro to Mat. Sci. Eng. (4)
ENGR 1050 Introduction to Nanotechnology (3)*

MSE 2160 Elements of Mat. Sci. (3)

MSE 1820 Fundamentals of Optical Microscopy (2)
MSE 2000 Co-op Education in Materials Science (1-2)
MSE 2320 Introduction to Scan Probe Microscopy (2)
MSE 2330 Introduction to SEM (2)

Students can refer to the 2020-21 SLCC General Catalog or meet with an Academic Advisor or Coach for additional information.