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Becoming a Role Model


“Both my parents work really hard to take care of my two younger sisters and me,” said Evelyn Solares. “They have always been amazing role models for me in life, but they never had the opportunity to go to college.”

Solares reflected on how PACE has played a significant role in her pursuing a college career.

“When I first heard about PACE, I wasn’t going to apply – I didn’t think that I was good enough to be in the program,” she recalled. “But I got up the courage to talk to the PACE advisor, and she encouraged me to apply, and I am so glad that I did.”

Solares has always been determined to go to college but acknowledged that a four-year university was intimidating and expensive. She is grateful to PACE for helping her overcome financial barriers and providing a pathway to accomplish her dreams. “I am the first in my family to finish high school and earn my college degree. I am really proud of all that I have accomplished.”

“Both my little sisters are going through the PACE program,” Solares said. “I am really proud of them, and it has given me the chance to be their role model. My PACE advisors have been important role models in my life, always available to help and support me when no one else was able to; their example inspired me to do the same for other kids.”

Solares, AS 2021, is continuing her studies at the University of Utah this fall. “I am a little nervous about the future – but I believe in myself, and I got this!”

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