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Nate Blouin, SLCC AS General Studies in 2014, From Proctor Academy, New Hampshire

Then and Now

I had dropped out of a college in Ohio and came out to Utah to ski. I didn't really see myself going back to school. I just kept thinking I'll figure it out. But some financial issues and pressure from my parents to 'ge my act together' prompted me to enroll at SLCC. It had been 5 years since I had been in college, and I was starting at ground level since my previous grades had been horrible.

At the time my attitude was, 'I don't belong here, and I don't want to be here.' That didn't last. I remember being intimidated by some of the students, who were so Intelligent and often spoke up about important issues. The classes were small and the teachers were really engaged—now, I realize how rare that is.

At first, I didn't know what I wanted to study so I just started taking different courses and worked toward a General Studies degree. Then I took some writing classes; the professors really got me interested in the power of writing. I ended up transferring, seamlessly so, into the U's Writing and Rhetoric program and earned my BS. While there, I got involved in politics and started down a path that connects to the work I do today.

In 2018, I headed to Brown University for a master's in Public Affairs. Now, I'm a Utah Democratic senator—I was elected in 2022. It is both humbling and exciting being in this new role.

"At the time my attitude was, 'I don't belong here, and I don't want to be here."


If you don't know what you want to do, take your time. Starting at SLCC is a great way to figure out what you want to do without paying four-year college prices. Take advantage of the breadth of classes and take classes that interest you, including in the trades. Just explore.