SLCC Then and Now Alumni Gallery
Step into the lives of SLCC alumni and discover their mindsets, and challenges, when they first started here. Find out what they are doing now and pocket some of the hard-earned advice they would have given to their younger selves.

"Don't think too much or listen too much to the people doubting you... You can do anything if you put action behind the idea."

"Committing isn't just the idea—it is staying loyal to what you said long after the mood in which you said it has passed."

"I'll be honest with you, there were times I really struggled to continue—my attitude was to just get through it."

"Investing in yourself through education is invaluable, as the long-term benefits far exceed the initial effort and resources."

"I was raised by an amazing single mom who encouraged me to figure out college on my own, and SLCC was the ideal place to do so."

"It is important to follow your instincts and choose the right starting point or environment for you."

"Just do the best for you and do everything you can to be prepared—adversity will come and so will opportunity."

"I had the realization that if I'm going to be broke, I might as well be broke doing something I love."

"I figured I would just take classes while my four kids were in school. We all studied together, and they saw how hard I worked."

"I wanted to show I could be more than a stereotype and help myself and my son move beyond where we were at."

"According to statistics, with my background, I should have ended up dealing drugs, in prison or dead, not in college."
If you are interested in participating, please reach out to Participants need to have graduated with a degree or certificate from SLCC. Note: Stories are current based on time of interview.