Then and Now
I had to go on my own journey to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. After 2 years of college in Montana, I dropped out because I couldn't figure out my career path. I moved to Washington and worked as a dishwasher at a tribal casino.
One night in that hot, steamy dish pit I had the realization that if I'm going to be broke, I might as well be broke doing something I love. And I love filmmaking. My whole life had been influenced by movies and music. But what was missing from that space was the indigenous voice—I knew that was never going to happen unless we go out there and do it ourselves.
I set up a goal to get into the American Film Institute (AFI) in LA within 5 years. SLCC played a big part in making that happen. Some of my best friends are from SLCC.
I graduated from AFI in 2020—it was incredibly hard, it pushed me emotionally and physically. Now I'm figuring out how to survive in LA as an upcoming cinematographer, shooting commercials, music videos, short films—riding the waves as they come. My film, 'Hallelujah' got into Sundance and I'm working on another one.
"I had the realization that if I'm going to be broke, I might as well be broke doing something I love."
Keep moving forward. The second you stop is the moment you fail. You should never give up. Sooner or later, things will start to click. As far as school goes, if you need to take a break and work for a year, do that, but do it cautiously. I've seen many people never come back.