Emergency Management Policy
This policy was posted for public comment from January 16 – 31, 2024.
Definitions (section 3)
No changes were made. “Declaration of Disaster” and “Declaration of Emergency” are not synonymous in this policy. FEMA has a specific definition of what constitutes a disaster and the thresholds that must be met to be considered a disaster. A “Declaration of Disaster” denotes the specific circumstances related to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act.
The term “operational status” was revised to “normal operations” in 4.B.1.
Background (4.A)
No changes were made. Extraordinary events may not constitute an emergency. Similarly, an emergency may not be an extraordinary event.
Definitions (section 3)
4.A.1 has been revised and reads, “The college must develop comprehensive plans to manage emergencies at all campuses, sites, and facilities. This requires flexibility and creativity when considering the different methods for ensuring public safety during extraordinary events.”
This will be explored as an option. There are some technical details to resolve with posting the CEMP, without annexes, for public access.
Business Continuity Plan (4.B)
No changes were made. Disruptive events may not constitute an emergency. Similarly, an emergency may not be a disruptive event.
The template is being revised. Once posted online, a link will be added to the policy.
No changes were made. The frequency of when a BCP should be reviewed and/or updated depends on multiple factors. One situation that would prompt a review and/or update would be any change that affects the departments (personnel, phone numbers, etc.). Because the factors and timeframes vary, this information will be shared outside the policy.
Declaration of Disaster Process (4.C)
4.C.1 and 2 were reversed in order. 4.C.2 now reads, “The president shall delegate authority during their absence from campus, including management of the disaster declaration process.”
No changes were made. It is our understanding that the president would like this to remain as designee. In these situations, the designee can change based on circumstances. The emergency plan also determines the designee.
No changes were made. There is a chart in the CEMP. The CEMP without annexes should be hyperlinked in the policy.
Activation of the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (4.D)
No changes were made. The CEMP is not activated automatically for every emergency. An earthquake is one of the situations in which all campuses, sites, and facilities would need to enact the CEMP immediately. Other emergencies can be site or situational-specific. The CEMP outlines these different types of emergencies.
No changes were made. Associate vice president for Public Safety is the correct position title.
No changes were made. As personnel can change, we have included the position title in the policy.
No changes were made. The CEMP outlines what should happen and who is responsible for ensuring it happens. The COVID-19 committee was focused on figuring out how to function when the college was shut down during the pandemic. It was not focused on how to handle/respond to the emergency itself. If departments complete their BCPs, this type of information about how each department can function in these circumstances.
Closure (4.E)
4.E.1 has been revised to state, “The college president or their designee is the sole individual with the authority to direct the closure of college campuses, sites, and facilities.”
No changes were made. This is too specific for this policy. There are plans in place at the college in the event of snowstorms and related closures.
Timely Notifications (4.F)
No changes were made. Timely notifications are released as quickly as is reasonably possible. Each notification is evaluated on a case-by-case basis, which affects the time it takes.
No changes were made.
Thank you for the comment. This is outside the purview of this policy committee. This concern will be forwarded to the appropriate department(s).