Employee Conduct Policy
This policy was posted for public comment from April 19 - May 7, 2021.
Under #3 (Controlled Substances and Alcohol Use) - How is "under the influence" defined, specifically as it relates to alcohol? Is it a "not a drop" standard, or something else? |
Under #10 (Equal and Respectful Conduct), it looks like perhaps a comma is needed between "disability" and "religion" in the list.
Section 11.c.1 (Workplace Bullying) - is the annual bullying training part of our required training program? If so, the timing stated here (annually) is confusing given that our other required trainings are on a 2-year cycle. |
Section 13.b - my understanding is that the College has eliminated travel credit cards. |
I believe there's a typo in the following section: |
Section 8.c contains an error, "c. . . . within two working says." should be "c. . . . within two working days." |
Typo in the intro: "xpansive" |
1. A: I think this should be “professional accountability.” Can “personal” apply to non-work matters? (Could it be construed to?) Could be overreach. This could be revised to: “…accountable for personal integrity, respect, and fairness for others, and sound judgement in carrying out their professional responsibilities.” That would take care of the problem. 3. 7d: Can’t this just say that “Employees who have evaluative, counseling, or supervisory duties over a student(s) shall not:” and then go into the list? The “special trust” and “undue influence” is too complicated and legalese-ish. I feel like this needs more work and needs to come back out again for 15 day review. The bullying section is just not enough. |
I have sent a word doc by email to Mikel Birch with suggested edits. |
A. General Comments
- B.3-Conflict of Interest
- B.4-controlled Substances and Alcohol Use
- B.10-Sex and Gender-Based Misconduct
- B.11-Equitable and respectful Misconduct
- B.14-Institutional Credit Cards
- B.15-Expense Claims
- B.24-Vehicles
B. Personal Accountability
The recommended revision was adopted. This section now states: “All SLCC employees are responsible and accountable for personal integrity, respect and fairness for others, and sound judgment in carrying out their professional responsibilities.”
C. Standards of Conduct
- The policy review team recommends the deletion for B.2 addressing “Communication Systems” because it is mostly redundant with section B.7 which is entitled “Communication Systems.” Section B.7 is clearer and more concise than B.2.
- On B.2 and B.7.a, addressing “Communication Systems”, a comment was made whether use of a personal cellphone to text a co-worker on a work related matter constituted a violation this policy language which states: “Employees are to use institutionally funded communication systems of any type for institutional benefit.
The heading was changed from “Equal and Respectful Conduct” to “Respectful and Equal Conduct.”
IV.B.11.b, was revised to state: “In analysis, demeanor, and expression, college employees shall treat all people with respect and promote equal access to opportunity to employment, services and other activities within their responsibilities."During the 2020 legislative session, the legislature enacted H.B. 12 entitled the “Abusive Conduct Reporting amendments. This bill amended Utah Code §67-26-203(3) (b) requiring the college to have a policy against workplace bullying. Previously, the college had a department rule addressing workplace bullying but did not have a college-wide policy addressing this issue approved by executive cabinet and the board of trustees. Adoption of this policy is an important first step to addressing workplace bullying in the SLCC workplace.
It is recommended that a new section IV.B.12 be added which states as follows:IV.B.12.a.iii - the first sentence was edited to state: “Bullying that occurs within and outside of the workplace . . . “
IV.B.12.a.iv now states: “Workplace bullying does not include a single act unless is severe or extreme.”
IV.B.1.2a.v. revision suggestion was added as follows:A comment stated that IV.B.12.a.v use of “differences in management” and “personality differences” is too vague. No revision was made. This language mimics the college’s Workplace Bullying Avoidance guidance. It is important that this section’s language is flexible to address the variety of employment relationships where this section will be applied.
A proposed recommendation is as follows: IV.B.12.a.v.4 will be combined with IV.B.12.a.v.2. IV.B.12.a.v.2 will state:In IV.B.12.b - this section was revised to refer to the” Anti-Discrimination” policy and not the “Employment Discrimination” policy since that policy had been renamed.
Under both the sexual harassment and anti-discrimination policy, all discrimination complaints must be referred to the EEO & Title IX Director within two business days. Once referred, the complaint will be investigated by that office. To allow the supervisor to conduct the investigation would violate those two civil rights policies.
A commenter questioned why IV.B.12.c.i required that Workplace Bullying training be required to be provided on an annual basis where SLCC required training schedule requires employees receive training every two years. The commenter noted that this difference could confuse employees. This is a valid point. Utah Code §67-26-203(3) (c) requires annual training for Workplace Bullying. The Everfi training has been revised to include a workplace bullying segment, however, employees will receive this training every two years. People and Workplace Culture will annually distribute a workplace bullying communication to all employees providing information on workplace bullying to meet this annual requirement.
IV.B.12.d has been revised as follows:Revisions were made to IV.B.13.a. as follows:
“In all circumstances, the college prohibits supervisors from assigning using any college employee or student to for non-college-related work in which either the employee or a related person with a relationship to that employee has a financial or other interest.”
In IV.B.13.b., a recommendation was made to add a section regarding the use of college property for personal purposes. The recommended revision was to add a condition for allowable use that “the use does not adversely affect the condition of the item.” This revision was not adopted. If this revision was allowed, an employee who took home for the weekend an expensive tool to work on their car and returned it on Monday would not violate the policy. There has been a problem at the college with employees using expensive equipment for personal purposes. This condition, if added, would promote this behavior.
In IV.B.13.c, a comment was made that this provision which prohibits the use of photocopier and other consumable items contradicts the incidental personal use of college facilities and equipment authorized in IV.B.13.b. The two provisions do not contradict one another. IV.B.13.b addresses the use of facilities and equipment. Meanwhile, IV.B.13.c prohibits the use of consumable items.
IV.B.13.c has been revised to state: “Under no circumstances are employees permitted to use college purchased supplies, including photocopies, other consumables, surplus materials and equipment for personal or private purposes.
Word changes were made to replace “things” with “items.”
Grammatical errors were identified in IV.B. 16 and 18 addressing “Gifts” and “Misuse of Position.” Two commas were added to each section.- Employees have the right to free speech and are free to support candidates, issues, political parties, or campaigns., however, Utah System of Higher Education R-250 and Utah Amended Executive Order 2018-001 places limitation on employee speech in the workplace on political matters.
- Unless provided by their job description and the college president’s direction, an employee must not use institutional time, funds, equipment, email or other resources to work on a political campaign or influence legislation.
- Employees, in their official capacities, are prohibited from engaging in any communication with a state legislator regarding the passage or defeat of a specific bill or resolution pending before the Utah legislature.
- The president may authorize employees to engage in legislative communication for the limited purpose of explaining technical concepts or providing subject-matter expertise.
IV.B.23.c was revised to state: “Voice mail systems are permitted to record telephone communications and messages.” This text replaces “Administrative systems, such as voice mail, are also permitted.”
In IV.B.23.e, two recommended minor revisions were adopted.- The heading was revised to state: Employee or Student Grievances
- Subsection e.iii was revised to state: "No parties in a mediation may record it.