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Campus Walkway Safety


    This policy establishes regulations for the safe operation of motor vehicles on campus walkways to promote safe conditions for pedestrians. Unsafe conditions occur on campus walkways when motor vehicles are operated near pedestrians or when parked motor vehicles block walkways.


    Enforcement of Regulations at Institutions, Utah Code Ann. §§ 53B-3-101—110.

    1. Operator: a person operating a moving vehicle. The operator of a parked vehicle is the
      person responsible for parking the vehicle.
    2. Pedestrian: any person standing, sitting, reclining, or moving on walkways.
    3. Motor Vehicle: A vehicle that is self-propelled by consuming electricity or fuel,
      excluding aircraft. This does not include motorized wheelchairs or other assistive
      devices used by persons with disabilities.
    4. Low-Speed Vehicle (LSV): Any vehicle that is not licensed by the Utah Department of
      Motor Vehicles and that operates on a private or public road, for example, golf carts,
      electric vehicles, e-bikes, ATVs (all-terrain vehicles), UTVs (utility task vehicles),
      tractors, and similar vehicles.
    5. Walkway: any concrete or paved ground surface other than roads, service docks, or
      parking lots.
    1. Walkway Use General Information
      1. Appropriate Use of Motor Vehicles on Walkways
        1. Campus walkways are primarily used for pedestrian travel. Therefore, using walkways for motor vehicular travel should be limited, closely monitored, and used when no other alternative exists.
        2. Most service functions can be accommodated at existing service docks and designated parking at or near each building.
        3. If an appropriate need can be established, permits may be issued to operators of motor vehicles for access to drive and park on restricted walkways as outlined in section 4.A.3.
      2. Motor Vehicles Authorized on Walkways Without a Permit
        1. Emergency Service Vehicles (fire, ambulance, police, utilities) when responding to emergencies.
        2. Motor vehicles performing snow removal.
        3. Low-Speed Vehicles (LSV)
          1. Maintenance LSVs may be operated on campus walkways following the
            Facilities Services Maintenance Equipment Use Procedure.
          2. College-owned LSVs are prohibited from parking on campus walkways
            without approval from the associate vice president of Facilities Services.
          3. Golf carts may be used for the occasional movement of persons. 
      3. Walkway Permits
        1. Permits will be issued to operators (not motor vehicles) with a legitimate need to drive or park on walkways. The walkway permit request form can be obtained from Parking Services.
        2. The individual requesting the permit must submit a walkway request form to the Parking Services Office stating why a walkway permit is necessary and that no other alternative will allow them to complete their business on the campus.
          1. If the requesting individual is a campus employee, the request must be authorized by a director, associate dean, or equivalent-level supervisor. The assistant director of Parking Services or designee has final approval.
        3. To obtain a permit, operators must read instructions on walkway safety and sign
          a statement acknowledging that any citations will be the operator's personal
        4. Permits will be issued on a project duration basis, typically not more than one
          day in length.
        5. College funds may not be used to pay citations issued for violation of this policy.
    2. Restrictions for Operating Motor Vehicles on Walkways with a Permit
      1. Only operators with a valid permit may operate a vehicle on walkways.
      2. If a person is granted a permit, they are required to avoid driving or parking a motor vehicle on walkways whenever possible.
      3. No motor vehicle (moving or parked) may impede pedestrian movement or cause unsafe conditions on walkways, stairways, building entrances, or ramps unless maintenance or construction operations are such that the area has been authorized for closure to pedestrian movement and has been clearly marked and barricaded.
      4. The speed of motor vehicles shall be no greater than five miles per hour when on walkways.
      5. Operators may not overtake or pass moving pedestrians except when pedestrians voluntarily yield to motor vehicles.
      6. All motor vehicles utilizing the walkways will, at all times, have hazard lights in operation while on the walkways.
    3. Enforcement
      1. Failure to possess a valid permit when operating a motor vehicle on walkways will result in a citation being issued to the operator.
      2. Moving Violations
        1. Unauthorized use of walkways will be a moving violation against the motor
          vehicle operator and will be enforceable in the same manner as other parking
        2. Parking Services will patrol walkways. Citations will be issued to operators who
          violate this policy.
      3. Parking Violations
        1. Operators without permits who park motor vehicles in any location other than
          authorized parking facilities or stalls will be in violation of this policy.
        2. Any motor vehicle that impedes pedestrian traffic or access ways for persons
          with disabilities, such as walkways, ramps, exits and entrances to buildings, and
          stairways, will be subject to impoundment, towing, and fines according to
          current parking fine schedules.

Date of last executive cabinet review: November 5, 2024

The originator of this policy and procedure is the department of Public Safety. Questions regarding this policy and procedure may be directed to the originator by calling 801-957-4571.