Gift Solicitation, Receipt, and Acceptance
This policy outlines the procedure for the solicitation and acceptance of gifts and contributions to Salt Lake Community College. This policy also establishes the Salt Lake Community College Foundation (“SLCCF”) as primary administrative responsibility over activities that result in or that concern fundraising and philanthropic gifts for the college with the directive to establish an overall college procedure for gift acceptance.
- Gift: any item of value given to the college by a private donor (an individual, foundation, or organization) who expects nothing of significant value in return, other than recognition and disposition of the gift in accordance with the donor's wishes. A gift may carry a donor stipulation that restricts the use of the funds to a particular purpose. Gifts can be in the form of a transfer of cash or gift in-kind donation, and includes transfers which are pledges, bequests, endowments, and those which are part-gift and part-sale.
- Gift-in-Kind: A gift of a non-monetary item of property such as art, collectibles, books, equipment, automobiles, inventory or other physical assets or materials.
- Foundation
- To adequately administer and account for gifts made to the college, all private material and financial contributions must be made to the SLCCF, a not-for-profit corporation. whose purpose to solicit and receive gifts, donated scholarships, bequests, properties, and other assets for the benefit of the college. SLCCF is a separate Internal Revenue Service 501(c) (3) organization dedicated to supporting the college.
- All private donors must arrange gifts through SLCCF and the Development Office. Federal and state agency grants, collaborative agreements, designations, waivers, and other types of government sponsored projects are the responsibility of the Office of Sponsored Projects.
- Solicitation
- The Development Office must coordinate the SLCCF and college fundraising activities, including the receipting, and acknowledging of all gifts of cash, real property, securities, equipment, or other gifts-in-kind, in collaboration with the Controller’s Office.
- College employees seeking any college fundraising contacts, projects, or activities, including donated scholarships, and private and/or non-government grant and foundation requests, must receive prior approval from the supervisor (associate dean, dean, provost, department head or vice president), as well as the Development Office, to proceed with the request for funding. The Development Office initiates review and approval with the appropriate Vice President and the Controller’s Office.
- College employees may not use college time or resources to solicit funds for personal or private projects that are not associated or aligned with college fundraising priorities.
- Gifts Not Accepted
- In some cases, it may not be in the best interest of the college to receive certain gifts or contributions. The vice president for Institutional Advancement determines whether acceptance of a gift would be in the best interest of the college.
- Proposed gifts-in-kind must be approved by the vice president for Institutional Advancement, prior to acceptance. Before this acceptance determination, the executive director for Development will evaluate this proposed gift-in-kind, in coordination with the SLCCF board and vice president for Finance & Administration. After this required consultation, the executive director for Development will recommend to the vice president for Institutional Advancement whether the gift-in-kind should be accepted. In deciding, the vice president for Institutional Advancement may, if deemed appropriate, consult with the President and Executive Cabinet.
- Gifts that shall not be accepted by the SLCCF include:
- a gift that is in contravention of applicable federal or state laws, or the board of regents or college policies;
- a gift that obligates the college to undertake duties, financial or otherwise, which may not be fully capable of meeting for a period required by the terms and condition of the gift;
- a gift that constitutes a request to the college to operate a commercial endeavor for the sole benefit of the donor or related person or entity;
- a gift that cannot be properly administered within the intended recipient’s normal budget or resources (for example in the case the requirement for matching funds or resources); or
- a gift presents an unreasonable or unacceptable degree of risk due to environmental or health/safety issues.
- Receipt and Acceptance
- Upon receiving any contribution, the Development Office must complete the appropriate gift acknowledgement form and donor tax receipt in collaboration with the college department receiving the gift.
- Gifts received through the SLCCF must follow donor intent and be administered pursuant to the terms of SLCCF articles of incorporation and bylaws.
- Disbursements and use of funds must adhere to SLCCF bylaws.
- If a donor contributes a gift without prior notice the executive director of Development must coordinate such gifts in the best interest of both the donor and the college.
- The Development Office may extend a variety of special awards or acknowledgements to donors including citations, resolutions, plaques, recognition dinners, and presentations appropriate to the amount and nature of the donated gift.
- Receipt Reporting
- Outright gifts to the college shall be reported only when assets are actually and irrevocably transferred to the college.
- Deferred gifts shall be reported only when the assets are transferred to the college by trust or gift instrument.
- Documented provisions in wills or other revocable instruments shall be acknowledged and reported separately but not treated as charitable gifts to the college until funds are received.
- Funds directed to the college in error, rather than to the SLCCF, may be deposited through the normal course of business, and subsequently remitted to the SLCCF upon approval by the vice president for Finance and Administration or designee. Such a transfer may only be authorized if there is clear and convincing evidence that the donor intended the funds to go to the SLCCF instead of the college.
- Funds directed to the college due to stipulations in a will or otherwise stipulated by the donor noting that funds be paid to the college may be accepted upon approval of the vice president for Finance and Administration (or designee) in collaboration with the SLCCF so that appropriate stewardship of the gift is conducted.
- College representatives will not establish a value for gifts-in-kind, either verbally or in writing.
- Foundation
Date of last cabinet review: March 1, 2022
The originator of this policy & procedure is the office of Institutional Advancement. Questions regarding this policy may be directed to the originator by calling 801-957-4103.