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Salary Administration


    Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) employees at all levels must be skilled and experienced performers if the college is to realize high performance goals in support of its mission. The staff compensation program exists to attract and retain a qualified, diverse, talented, and productive staff. SLCC’s compensation philosophy is to pay competitively targeting the average salary of the external labor market, as funds permit, considering both salary and benefits in order to determine total compensation.

    Approval from Human Resources must be obtained before making any salary commitment to an employee. The college is not responsible for salary commitments that are not in keeping with the salary administration program unless prior approval is received, in writing, from Human Resources.

    Consistent with the ever-changing needs and roles at SLCC, job descriptions and salaries for administrative positions are determined at the sole discretion of the president.




    See Personnel Definitions.

      1. The hiring supervisor must obtain confirmation on a starting pay rate from Human Resources before an offer is made to a potential employee.
        1. Starting Rates
          1. The hiring supervisor recommends an appropriate starting pay rate to Human Resources for review and approval based upon the applicant’s education, experience, skills, existing pay rates of other current employees in the same job, and the availability of funds.
          2. For applicants who are current employees, consideration needs to be given based upon whether the new position will be a promotion, lateral transfer, or demotion. Rates may be approved as follows:
            1. Up to 90 percent of midpoint of the salary range may be approved by hiring supervisor, second level supervisor including the director of the department or higher, and Human Resources.
            2. Rates above 90 percent of midpoint of the salary range may be approved if the following agree:
              1. the hiring supervisor;
              2. a department director or higher;
              3. the vice president, and
              4. the assistant vice president of Human Resources.
        2. Learner Rate
          1. If no candidates for a vacant position have the minimum qualifications, one may be hired at the learner rate.
          2. This is five percent below the normal starting rate. However, the individual must satisfactorily complete a training program approved by Human Resources and be raised to the normal starting rate in six months, after a successful probationary period.
      2. Salary Adjustments
        1. The effective date for all salary adjustment will be the first payroll period following approval. No retroactive or back dating of adjustments will be allowed unless specifically noted within this policy.
        2. Pay for Performance (Merit) Adjustments
          1. Employees are eligible for pay for performance increases July 1 of each year as funds are available.
          2. Merit increase guidelines for salary increases are distributed annually, as needed. New hires beginning between April 1 and June 30 may be eligible to receive a partial increase on July 1, as funds are available.
        3. One-Time Merit Adjustments
          1. As funds are available, the president may establish a one-time payment which may be distributed to employees which is not an increase to the employee's base salary.
          2. These payments will be allocated to the employees within announced guidelines.
        4. Promotion Adjustments
          1. An employee is eligible for a salary increase when promoted.
            1. Hiring Promotion

              Salary increases are provided when an employee applies for and is hired into a position with a higher salary or grade.

            2. Job Evaluation Promotion

              When the evaluation of a position or job is changed to a higher grade, a salary adjustment must be made.

            3. The amount of promotion increase will be determined based on the promoted individual's salary in relation to the new salary range.
            4. This normally represents a five percent increase, however, the increase may be higher with approval of Human Resources in equity with other incumbents and if funds are available.
          2. Career Ladder Promotion

            A career ladder, progression within job classification, may be developed by the supervisors with the approval by Human Resources subject to the following:

            1. The department must have an operational need for higher level work.
            2. There must be a business necessity of the work to be performed.
            3. The department must articulate a differential in job duties with a noticeable difference in knowledge, skills, abilities, problem solving, and accountability.
            4. Differentiated work must be assigned on a sustained basis; not temporary or seasonal.
            5. The department must receive prior approval of job descriptions through the system before implementation.
          3. Career Ladder Adjustments
            1. In order to be eligible for promotion, an employee must:
              1. complete their probationary period;
              2. receive no disciplinary actions during the previous 12 months;
              3. meet all of the minimum job requirements for the job being promoted into;
              4. complete any training required for the promotion, submitting the appropriate documentation prior to the established deadline; and
              5. be in good standing in their position and have accomplished specific goals from the employees GPS (growth, planning & support);
            2. Temporary employees are not eligible for the program.
            3. The amount of the career ladder increase will be determined based on the promoted individual's salary in relation to the new salary range.
            4. This normally represents a five percent increase, however, the increase may be higher with approval of Human Resources in equity with other incumbents.
        5. Lateral Transfer Adjustments

          No salary adjustment will be made when an employee is laterally transferred to a different job with an equal salary grade.

        6. Demotion Adjustments

          A salary decrease may be made when a staff member is demoted.

          1. Hiring Into a Lower Salary Grade, Non-Cause.

            A salary decrease will be made equal to five percent or more depending on the grade of the new position.

          2. Re-Organization

            Where the institution has initiated a re-organization and an employee has been transferred or an employee’s position has been re-evaluated to a lower level, the employee’s salary will remain the same.

          3. For Cause
            1. A salary decrease will be made when a supervisor is demoting an employee for cause.
            2. Consultation with Human Resources must occur prior to the planned demotion.
        7. Red-Circle Rate Adjustments
          1. When an employee’s rate of pay exceeds the maximum of the salary grade range it is considered a red-circle rate.
          2. Increases for these individuals will be reviewed annually by Human Resources.
          3. A report is given to the president and a determination is made as to what salary increase is to be provided.
        8. In-Grade Equity Adjustments
          1. In-grade equity adjustments are only approved within equity; positions having substantially equal experience, responsibilities, and skill for the particular job.
          2. Employees who receive an in-grade salary adjustment must also be performing at or beyond expectations.
            1. Increase in Job Responsibilities
              1. An in-grade salary adjustment may be warranted where an increase in duties in a position did not lead to reclassification.
              2. This may include the acquisition of a set of new responsibilities which are consistent with the current classification.
              3. Increases will not exceed two percent of base salary and requests may not be made more than every third year.
            2. Market Adjustment

              Recognition of a less than competitive salary relationship with the external relevant employment market.

            3. Equity Adjustment

              Recognition that a current salary is below other employees in the same rank with similar experience and performance.

        9. Acting and Interim Assignments
          1. Occasionally, it may be necessary for an employee to perform work in a higher classification than his/her existing classification, or to significantly increase his/her overall workload responsibilities in order to meet a department's operational needs.
          2. Acting Appointment Adjustments
            1. An employee appointed to short term acting appointment of no longer than 30 days, will not receive an adjustment.
            2. Any acting appointment which exceeds 30 days will be transferred to an interim appointment and a temporary salary adjustment will be made back to the first day of service.
          3. Interim Appointment Adjustments

            Where an interim appointment is made with full responsibilities, a temporary salary adjustment will be arranged with approval of the appropriate vice president and Human Resources prior to the beginning of the appointment.

      3. Exceptions
        1. Any wage or salary action not outlined in this policy and procedure, or distributed in the annual salary guidelines, or falling outside the intent of this policy and procedure will be considered a policy exception.
        2. Exceptions are rare and must receive prior approval by the appropriate vice president and the assistant vice president of Human Resources.
      4. Salary Range (Structure) Adjustments
        1. The annual review of the salary ranges (structures) may indicate the need for adjustments to maintain competitiveness.
        2. As funding is available, salary range adjustments will be made and issued in conjunction with annual salary increase guidelines as approved by Human Resources.
      5. Pay Additives
        1. The use of pay additives is limited to areas that have been pre-approved by the appropriate vice president or provost and assistant vice president of Human Resources.
        2. Pay additives shall be given in addition to an employee's regular pay for specific reasons as described below.
        3. Pay additives do not increase the employee's base pay.
          1. On-Call and Callback

            The college compensates non-exempt employees who are required to remain on-call and/or who are called back to work.

          2. Pay Differentials

            The college may provide a difference in pay for hours worked in the capacity for which the differential was implemented. Human Resources shall establish differential rates.

      6. One-Time Compensation
        1. Additional compensation may be used to pay exempt staff employees for temporary efforts or assignments that significantly deviate from the job's normal expectations.
        2. Non-exempt staff are to be paid overtime for additional hours worked above 40 hours per week; however, in rare circumstances a one-time payment may be made to a full-time, non-exempt staff when working in a one-time assignment not related or similar to their regular job.

    Date of last cabinet review: March 20, 2018

    The originator of this policy & procedure is Human Resources. Questions regarding this policy may be directed to the originator by calling 801-957-4210.