Personnel Hiring
Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) strives to hire qualified individuals who are committed to serving students and the community. SLCC is an equal employment opportunity employer. SLCC actively seeks a diverse workforce in support of its mission of providing quality educational services to an increasingly diverse student body. It is the responsibility of all employees involved in selecting new hires to make decisions on employment matters in accordance with the policies, procedures, and accepted affirmative action practices established by the college as well as state and federal laws. Primary hiring responsibility is placed with the employing unit. All hires are subject to accountability to the president (Utah Code Ann. 53B-2-106) through the line management channels. The college is fully committed to policies of equal employment and nondiscrimination and works to prevent any form of exclusion from participation in, denial of benefits of, or subject any individual to discrimination, harassment, or prejudicial treatment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, disability, religion, protected veteran status, expression of political or personal beliefs outside of the workplace, or any other status protected under applicable federal, state or local law.
- Administrative/Staff
At Salt Lake Community College, we are proud of being who we are, the community’s college. Before we embark in the recruitment process, all college employees should be aware of the college’s values that we strive for, specifically: collaboration, community, inclusivity, learning, innovation, integrity, and trust. These values should guide everyone in the search process and be at the forefront of our minds as we hire new employees for our college.
- Administrative/Staff Position Approval
- For new positions and changes to existing positions the hiring supervisor begins the requisition process, including the position description, and the following prerequisites:
- names of the search committee members;
- advertisement to be done;
- screening criteria; and
- the number of days to be posted prior to the position opening.
- The requisition is approved by hiring supervisor up through the applicable member of the president’s executive cabinet.
- Human Resources notifies the hiring supervisor that the requisition has been approved and posted.
- Temporary Appointments
- A temporary appointment may be offered to a qualified individual by the hiring supervisor, after receiving approval through the requisition process.
- Temporary appointments may be made up to one year. The president may approve an extension beyond one year as needed.
- All advertisement of positions must be managed through Human Resources.
- To assist in the recruiting of a diverse applicant pool, it is required that all positions are advertised on websites that promote diversity.
- All positions require online media including diversity related websites as determined by Human Resources and other advertisement as determined by the department.
- This cost is paid for by the department. Additional funds are available through the appropriate member of the president’s executive cabinet.
- A minimum posting requirement of five working days is required of all posted positions.
- All positions have the option to be posted with a specific closing date, or as open until filled with a priority review date.
- Information Technology (IT) positions may utilize open until filled with no priority review date and may be hired as soon as is practical.
- The minimum number of committee members is three, with the recommended number of members from three to seven.
- Employees who have been separated from the college due to a reduction in force will be able to apply for internal employment postings for six months from the official last day of work with the college.
- For new positions and changes to existing positions the hiring supervisor begins the requisition process, including the position description, and the following prerequisites:
- Search Committee
- It is the responsibility of the hiring supervisor to make decisions on employment matters in accordance with policies, procedures, and the Faculty Hiring Search Committee Handbook and Procedures (Hiring Handbook) established by Salt Lake Community College and convey the policies and procedures to the search committee.
- Hiring supervisors may appoint a committee chair to lead the search committee process or may choose to chair the committee.
- Human Resources will contact the hiring supervisors or chair and the committee at the time the position is posted.
- Human Resources is available for training as needed to give instructions, discuss process, and answer any questions from the search committee.
- Anyone involved with the search process should report to Human Resources any violations that may occur under this procedure. At its discretion, Human Resources may suspend any search pending investigation.
- Committee members may include faculty members, and members providing diversity in perspective, experience, and areas of the college, e.g., Student Affairs, Finance and Administration, PACs, students, administrators, etc.
- A search advocate is available to assist all committees. If a search advocate is used, the search advocate is selected by the hiring supervisor.
- Screening
- The recommended time for completing the search process, including the selection of a finalist is 30 calendar days from the time of closing (or a priority review date).
- If the search committee has not selected a candidate within 30 calendar days of the priority review date, the cabinet member will be notified to review the position with the hiring supervisor(s) to determine further proceedings.
- The search committee uses the pre-requisite screening criteria sent in with the requisition information. The committee determines questions and develops a form for the interview.
- The committee discusses other evaluation activities as appropriate for the position. Human Resources approves forms and evaluation activities prior to committee evaluations and interviews.
- For positions with a closing date, no late applications will be accepted by the college.
- For positions open until filled, a priority review date is listed. Positions that remain open after 60 calendar days require approval by the appropriate cabinet member to remain open.
- The committee chair and one other search committee member independently screen all applicants for minimum qualifications. Applicants will need to be emailed through the application tracking system for status updates. For those applicants who are no longer under consideration, the hiring supervisor updates the application tracking system. Minimum screening is submitted to Human Resources when completed.
- The search committee members then independently score applications meeting minimum qualifications for approved screening criteria and preferred qualifications.
- Applicants will need to be emailed through the applicant tracking system for system updates. After independently screening, the committee convenes and compiles the screening form numbers.
- At that time the committee can discuss variability in individual screening results. Applicants to be interviewed are based on ranking. The committee interviews the top ranking applicants.
- Veteran’s preference points must be given for qualified veterans (please see the Hiring Handbook). The hiring supervisor updates the applicant tracking system. Screening is submitted to Human Resources when completed.
- Interview and Selection
- Applicants are interviewed in person, by telephone, or by technological means. Interviews are scored using predetermined criteria. During the interview, the committee asks the same agreed-upon questions to each applicant and are free to ask appropriate follow-up questions.
- After the interview, the search committee will forward a minimum of three names (With approval of the hiring supervisor and Human Resources, the committee may forward less than three names based upon the strength of the applicant pool) to the hiring supervisor for the second interview. Names will be forwarded in alphabetical order.
- If the hiring supervisor is a member of the search committee, only one interview may be required. The hiring supervisor conducts a final interview and selects the final candidate to hire.
- After interview, if none of the applicants are a good match for the job, the hiring supervisor may interview the next ranked applicants.
- With cabinet member approval, finalists may be asked to further interview with appropriate constituent groups.
- Following selection of the candidate, all paperwork will be returned to Human Resources.
- Reference checks (including previous employers) must be completed on the finalist by the hiring supervisor. Questions will be directly related to legitimate hiring criteria (see Hiring Handbook).
- The refusal of an applicant to permit such checks may be considered as a factor in the hiring decision (excluding the current employer, if it is marked on the application).
- The hiring supervisor will review the employment application to detect if any employment of relatives, international sponsorship, or criminal background disclosure exists. If so, the hiring supervisor will contact Human Resources and receive advice and approval on how to proceed prior to making a decision.
- Criminal background checks are required on all full-time positions. Criminal background checks are conducted through SLCC Human Resources.
- The hiring supervisor will work with Human Resources to determine the salary.
- The hiring supervisor must receive approval from Human Resources prior to making the employment offer. Human Resources will not consider the paperwork complete without reference checks and completed criminal background checks.
- Official transcripts must be received within 30 days of the start date.
- Making the Offer
- Human Resources will generate a contingent offer letter for the hiring supervisor to extend to the final candidate.
- If the first candidate declines the position, a job offer can be made to the next candidate after all prerequisites have been met. If all applicants refuse the position, the hiring supervisor may have the committee reconvene to continue interviewing by rank or to re-open the position.
- The hiring supervisor notifies Human Resources of the accepted offer.
- Applicants, who receive a second interview but who are not selected are notified by the hiring supervisor that they are no longer under consideration.
- Initial Employment
- The hire date for new employees is normally the first or the sixteenth of the month.
- New employees are required to complete the new employee onboarding checklist, which includes various forms that will be sent to the new employee electronically once Human Resources has been notified of their acceptance.
- New employees will complete all training requirements.
- The hiring department is responsible for notifying Human Resources of all new hires.
- New employees are required to meet with Human Resources on or before their first date of employment to complete the necessary onboarding forms. The hiring department will have limited onboarding tasks.
- Official transcripts are scanned into personnel files by Human Resources and a copy may be kept in the hiring department.
- Procedures for Full-Time Faculty Employees
- Full-time Faculty
At Salt Lake Community College, we are proud of being who we are, the community’s college. Before we embark in the recruitment process, all college employees should be aware of the college’s values that we strive for, specifically: collaboration, community, inclusivity, learning, innovation, integrity, and trust. These values should guide everyone in the search process and be at the forefront of our minds as we hire new employees for our college.
- Position Approval
- For new positions, the associate dean consults with department faculty in writing the position description. The associate dean/hiring manager submits requisition process in the applicant tracking system, including:
- the position description,
- advertisement requests,
- screening criteria, and
- the names of the search committee members.
- The requisition is approved through line academic administrators (associate dean or above) up to the provost.
- Human Resources then notifies the associate dean/hiring manager that the requisition has been approved for posting.
- It is recommended that the individual departments consult with the special assistant to the president in developing individual plans to promote faculty diversity through networking and recruiting activities, and mentorship to fill any skills and experience gaps within the department.
- All advertisement of faculty positions must be managed through Human Resources.
- To assist in the recruiting of a diverse applicant pool, it is required that faculty positions are advertised on websites that promote diversity.
- This cost is paid for by the department. Additional funds are available through the appropriate member of the president’s executive cabinet.
- All faculty positions have the option to be posted with a specific closing date, or as open until filled with a priority review date that meets the minimum number of posting days.
- Advertising and posting of faculty positions are as follows:
Minimum Number of Posting Days
Advertising Minimum
Minimum Committee Membership
Full-time Regular faculty
30 Working Days (provost may approve a lesser number of days, 10 minimum)
All positions require external searches.
Required: and a Diversity and Inclusion website.
Professional journal and/or discipline appropriate website(s) (optional).
Minimum of 3
Minimum Number of Posting Days
Advertising Minimum
Minimum Committee Membership
Full-time Faculty Lecturer
10 Working Days
Internal–HR Website
Other advertisements (optional).
Minimum of 3
Temporary Full-time
Not required
Not required
Not required
- For new positions, the associate dean consults with department faculty in writing the position description. The associate dean/hiring manager submits requisition process in the applicant tracking system, including:
- Full-time Faculty
- Search Committee
- The associate dean/hiring manager and search committee review the Salt Lake Community College Hiring Handbook and the Personnel Hiring Policy provided by Human Resources before conducting a search for a new employee.
- It is the responsibility of the hiring manager to make decisions on employment matters in accordance with policies and procedures established by Salt Lake Community College and convey the policies and procedures to the search committee.
- Human Resources is available for training as needed to give instructions, discuss process, and answer any questions from the search committee. Anyone involved with the search process should report to Human Resources any violations that may occur under this procedure.
- Committee members may include faculty members, and members providing diversity in perspective, experience, and areas of the college, e.g., Student Affairs, Finance and Administration, PACs, students, administrators, etc.
- A search advocate is available to assist all committees. If a search advocate is used, the search advocate is selected by the hiring supervisor. The minimum number of committee members is three, with the recommended number of members from three to seven.
- The associate dean/hiring manager, in collaboration with the department faculty members, selects a faculty co-chair from the department, additional faculty committee member(s) from the department, and additional member(s) of the search committee (adjustments are made in departments where there is a very limited number full-time faculty members).
- Members of the search committee, led by the associate dean/hiring manager and faculty co-chair, will ensure the process is fair as outlined in the affirmative action plan.
- Screening
- For positions with a closing date, no late applications will be accepted by the college.
- For positions open until filled, a priority review date is listed. The search committee may review applications received after the priority review date at its discretion.
- The recommended time for completing the search process, including the selection of a finalist is 30 calendar days from the time of closing (or a priority review date).
- If the search committee has not selected a candidate within 30 calendar days of the priority review date, the cabinet member will be notified.
- The search committee develops the interview questions and screening criteria/forms based on the position announcement. The associate dean/hiring manager and faculty co-chair screen all applicants for minimum qualifications. For the applicants who are no longer under consideration, the associate dean/hiring manager updates the applicant tracking applicant tracking system. The system will e-mail the applicant the decision.
- The committee discusses other evaluation activities as appropriate for the position, e.g., teaching demonstration and other assessment tools. Human Resources approves forms and evaluation activities prior to committee evaluations and interviews.
- The search committee members independently score applications meeting minimum qualifications for approved screening criteria and preferred qualifications.
- After independently screening, the committee convenes and compiles the screening form scores. At that time, the committee can discuss variability in individual screening results.
- Applicants to be interviewed are based on ranking. The committee interviews the top ranking applicants.
- Veteran’s preference points must be given for qualified veterans (please see the Hiring Handbook).
- Interview and Selection
- Applicants are interviewed in person, by telephone, or by technological means. Interviews are scored using predetermined criteria. During the interview, the committee asks the same agreed-upon questions to each applicant and are free to ask appropriate follow-up questions.
- Following the interview of the search committee, a minimum of three applicants (with approval of the dean and Human Resources, the committee may forward less than three names based upon the strength of the applicant pool) will perform a teaching demonstration and may be required to participate in other assessment activities arranged by the search committee.
- The dean attends the teaching demonstration and the Q&A with the candidates. After the teaching demonstration, the dean and the associate dean together will conduct an interview with the candidates.
- The dean and the associate dean together will call a final meeting with the search committee to discuss and to receive input from the search committee’s evaluations of the candidates.
- The dean and the associate dean collaborate in selecting the final candidate(s) to hire. The dean has final approval authority in making the final selection. Those finalists who are not selected are notified by the dean/associate dean.
- Following selection of the candidate, search committee scorings, rankings, and all other documents used in the search will be immediately submitted to Human Resources.
- Pre-Employment Process
- Reference checks must be completed on the finalist for all positions by the hiring supervisor.
- Questions will be directly related to legitimate hiring criteria (see the Hiring Handbook). The refusal of an applicant to permit such checks may be considered as a factor in the hiring decision.
- The hiring supervisor will review the employment application to detect if any employment of relatives, international sponsorship, and/or criminal background disclosure exists. If so, then the hiring supervisor will contact Human Resources and receive advice and approval on how to proceed prior to making a decision.
- Criminal background checks are required on all full-time positions. Criminal background checks are conducted through SLCC Human Resources.
- The hiring supervisor must receive approval from Human Resources prior to making the employment offer. Human Resources will not consider the paperwork complete without official transcripts, reference checks and completed criminal background checks.
- The associate dean/hiring manager completes the New Faculty Salary Rank Form and collects official transcript(s) from the finalist(s).
- The finalist’s official SLCC employment application, resume or CV, and letters of references are printed from the online applicant tracking system and submitted with the New Faculty Salary Rank Form.
- Human Resources verifies the credentials with the associate dean and authorizes a salary on the New Faculty Salary Rank Form prior to making any offer.
- Signatures are then obtained by the associate dean/hiring manager and the dean.
- The New Faculty Salary Rank Form is submitted to Human Resources. After consultation between Human Resources and the associate dean/hiring manager regarding the offer to be extended, the letter of appointment is submitted by Human Resources to the provost for Academic Affairs for final approval. These documents then become part of the employee’s permanent personnel file.
- Extending of the Offer
- With the Letter of Appointment signed by the provost, the dean and associate dean together extends the offer of appointment to the finalist.
- The Letter of Appointment is sent to the finalist through electronic means from Human Resources.
- If the first candidate refuses the position, a job offer can be made to the next candidate after all prerequisites have been met.
- If all applicants refuse the position, the hiring supervisor may have the committee reconvene to continue interviewing by rank or to re-open the position.
- The hiring supervisor notifies the finalist who signs and returns the Letter of Appointment to Human Resources as the accepted offer.
- Initial Employment
- The hire date for new faculty is the first or the sixteenth of the month.
- New employees are required to complete the new employee onboarding checklist, which includes various forms that will be sent to the new employee electronically once Human Resources has been notified of their acceptance.
- New employees will complete all training requirements.
- The hiring department is responsible for notifying Human Resources of all new hires.
- New employees are required to meet with Human Resources on or before their first date of employment to complete the necessary onboarding forms. The hiring department will have limited onboarding tasks.
- Procedures for Faculty Temporary Appointments
- As the need arises, and funding is available, a temporary appointment may be offered to a qualified individual by the hiring supervisor after receiving approval through the requisition process and Human Resources.
- Temporary appointments may be made up to one year. The president may approve an extension beyond one year as needed.
- The associate dean/hiring manager is required to submit a PARS requisition for any temporary faculty position(s).
- The candidate is required to:
- complete the SLCC faculty online application;
- submit official transcripts; and
- complete the criminal background check consent form.
- All criminal background checks are conducted through SLCC Human Resources.
- The associate dean/hiring manager completes the New Faculty Salary Rank Form and collects official transcript(s) from the finalist(s).
- The finalist’s official SLCC employment application, resume or CV, and letters of references are printed from the online applicant tracking system and submitted with the New Faculty Salary Rank Form.
- Human Resources verifies the credentials with the associate dean and authorizes a salary on the New Faculty Salary Rank Form prior to making any offer.
- Signatures are then obtained by the associate dean/hiring manager and the dean. The New Faculty Salary Rank Form is submitted to Human Resources.
- After consultation between Human Resources and the associate dean/hiring manager regarding the offer to be extended, the letter of appointment is submitted by Human Resources to the provost for Academic Affairs for final approval.
- These documents then become part of the employee’s permanent personnel file.
- Procedures for Part-Time Adjunct Faculty And Part-Time Employees Including Minors
- It is the responsibility of the hiring supervisor to ensure budget is available prior to hiring a part-time employee. If the department is hiring a part-time staff work-study position, contact Financial Aid prior to posting the position.
- All part-time positions will be posted on the Human Resources website and as needed, advertised on other recruitment sites, local newspapers, etc. The associate dean should collaborate with department faculty in the adjunct hiring process.
- Employment of Students.
The college will provide employment opportunities for college students wherever possible. However, students will not be hired as teaching assistants in their field of study unless approved by the provost.
- Employment of Minors
- Minors may be employed by the college subject to applicable restrictions of state and federal law, to encourage their growth and development.
- Employees without a valid vehicle operator's license are not authorized to and shall not operate a college vehicle on the public highway or any other vehicle in their employment for the college, or in the course of any program or activity sponsored by the college or by any organization or association supported in whole or in part by funds controlled or managed by the college.
- Minors 14 years of age or older are permitted to work in certain nonhazardous occupations including but not limited to food service, messenger service, custodial service, and other similar work in non-dangerous areas (Utah Code Ann. 34-23).
- Age Verification.
- The hiring department is responsible for verifying the age of minors considered for employment by the use of birth certificates, vehicle operator's license, etc.
- Employment certificates are issued to high school students under the age of 18, by their schools to verify their age (Utah Code Ann. 34-33-10).
- Where such certificates are submitted, copies must be retained by the employing department.
- Working Condition
No minors shall be employed or permitted to work in hazardous occupations as defined from time to time by the United States Department of Labor or by the Utah Industrial Commission (Utah Code Ann. 34-23-2).
- Statutory Considerations
If minors are permitted to work in violation of applicable state laws or regulations approved by the State Industrial Commission regarding employment of minors, responsible parties may be subject to college discipline and/or prosecution by state authorities.
- Applicants will be required to fill out a SLCC Employment Application online.
- With prior approval of Human Resources, a department may work with placement agencies which provide for the placement of employees without notification of openings.
- The hiring supervisor interviews applicants and makes a selection. (At the hiring supervisor’s discretion, a committee approach may be used.)
- If the applicant is an international student, please see the On Campus Employment for International Students.
- If the applicant is a relative, follow the Employment of Relatives Policy and the Employment of Relatives Authorization form prior to offering the job.
- Reference checks should be completed on all applicants to be hired prior to job offer.
- Where the applicant has disclosed a criminal conviction on their application or in their interview, the hiring supervisor will contact Human Resources and receive advice and approval on how to proceed prior to making a decision. Criminal background checks may be required on selected positions.
- Where the applicant has disclosed a criminal conviction on their application or in their interview, the hiring supervisor will contact Human Resources and receive advice and approval on how to proceed prior to making a decision.
- If the applicant is applying for a staff work-study position, verify with Financial Aid work-study funds prior to making the job offer.
- Criminal background checks may be required on selected positions.
- The hiring supervisor will make the job offer to the selected applicant following the appropriate rate schedule. Offers that are not in line with the rate schedule in either title or rate of pay will not be honored by the college.
- Applicants who are not selected for employment are notified by the hiring supervisor that they are no longer under consideration through the applicant tracking system.
- The hiring department is responsible for notifying Human Resources of all new hires. New employees are required to meet with Human Resources on or before their first date of employment to complete the necessary onboarding forms. The hiring department will have limited onboarding tasks.
- For adjunct positions, applicants must provide official transcripts to their associate dean within 30 days of hire. A copy will be kept in the department and the original will be forwarded to Human Resources for the employee’s personnel file.
- Administrative/Staff
Date of last cabinet review: March 14, 2017
The originator of this policy & procedure is Human Resources. Questions regarding this policy may be directed to the originator by calling 801-957-4210