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Haven Online Training

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Dear Students,

As you may already know, Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) has partnered with EverFi, whose mission is to help students address critical life skills such as alcohol abuse prevention, sexual assault prevention, and financial literacy in higher education institutions across the country. Each year over 700,000 students complete these courses.

As part of our comprehensive prevention program for new students, SLCC expects you to complete Haven. This online education will empower you to make well-informed decisions about issues that affect your college years and beyond.

You are expected to complete Haven. You will need one EverFi Higher Education Account to access the course(s) from your dashboard.

To fulfill SLCC’s requirement:

  • Everfi Registration
  • Contact Ken Stonebrook for the Registration Code and once you have it, click “I’m a Student” to create your EverFi Account.
  • Note: When prompted, please enter your nine digit Student Identification Number (SID) to receive credit for completion.

*If you already have an EverFi Higher Ed Account, go to the Everfi website. enter your login information, then enter the registration code by clicking “Add a Course” in the top right corner of the Dashboard.

Other Important Information:

  • You will need Internet access and audio capabilities.
  • To avoid technical issues, please use any major web browser (e.g., Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome) released within the previous two years.
  • You may take the course in multiple sittings.
  • The course may include surveys to help personalize your experience and measure students’ attitudes and behaviors. All survey responses are confidential; the school will only receive information about the student body as a whole and will never see individual students’ answers.
  • Should you experience problems, technical support is available 24/7 and can be accessed from the “Help” link within the course.

Thank you, and enjoy the course!


Ken Stonebrook, J.D.
Dean of Students and Assistant Vice President
Title IX Coordinator
Taylorsville Redwood Campus
Student Center, Room 276A
4600 So. Redwood Road, SLC UT 84123