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Vision, Purpose Statement and Values

Career Services works to realize the mission, vision and values of Salt Lake Community College. Within that framework we have created a department level vision, purpose statement and values to guide us as we collaborate and assist students. 


All Salt Lake Community College students & alumni will succeed in gaining skills and fulfilling opportunities in their career path. 

Purpose Statement

Career Services bridges the gap between learning & doing by empowering students & alumni through providing accessible resources, intentionally strengthening partnerships, and fostering students' career readiness skills for meaningful career paths. 



We commit to take our work seriously while not taking ourselves seriously. We encourage taking breaks, building relationships with colleagues, and finding joy and gratitude at work. Each team member is empowered to find creative, innovative approaches to our work, to opt into appropriate fun, and to find ways to include colleagues in sharing wins and brainstorming new ideas. We believe that career development doesn’t have to be intimidating – we can make it fun, accessible, and impactful through the energy we bring to our work and the positive attitudes we maintain when facing challenges.


Our team prioritizes showing up authentically and supporting students in ways that are real, honest, and kind. We give students valuable information and resources, and empower students to make their own informed decisions that are best for them. By expressing ourselves in authentic ways we are enabled to show up each day ready to support the needs of our students, faculty, employers and colleagues. We celebrate individuality and the unique strengths our team brings to our work. Each team member takes the initiative to offer support and guidance to others and show integrity to build trustworthy relationships and create spaces where others can be authentic with us.

Holistic Wellness

We believe that at work, the whole individual should be valued, not just who we are in the workplace. We are each unique individuals with lives outside of our offices and we cherish those parts of ourselves and our team members. We recognize that there are many facets of wellness, and careers is one of them! By supporting our own holistic wellness in our work, we also strive to role model the importance of wellness and career development to the students we serve and the partners we work with. We maintain the right to set healthy boundaries, to value quality over quantity, and to educate our partners on our values. We do not believe in grind culture.


We are committed to the ongoing process of learning about equity and inclusion. We recognize that learning requires stepping outside of our comfort zones and at times, setting aside our egos, and having direct conversations with each other, while also avoiding judgement or shaming others. We hold ourselves and team members accountable to doing this work and we provide support and space to process with each other so that we can grow as a team. We strive to imbed this philosophy into everything we do, from showing up to SLCC and community events, to the way we interact with each other, engage with partners and stakeholders, and the policies, resources, & services we provide to students.


We believe that “one size DOES NOT fit all”. In order to reach our departmental vision, we need to be open to trying new things, learning from failures, and having a growth mindset. An openness to growth requires us to invest in our own professional development and we are energized by the process of listening, learning, and innovating. We are committed to being open to new opportunities, new collaborations, and celebrating our differences. We give and accept feedback, both positive and constructive, and we keep a positive attitude while facing adversity. We strive to show up for our students, colleagues, employers, and SLCC faculty each day, while acknowledging we have the right to be human. We look for opportunities to resolve conflicts and problems, to engage in proactive communication and to respond, learn, and seek solutions that will minimize the likelihood of problems in the future. Through openness of dialogue and honesty, we build trust and rapport with each other, our partners, and our students.


If you want to learn more about the Mission, Vision and Values of Salt Lake Community College as a whole please click here: Mission, Vision and Values.