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Concurrent Enrollment

Concurrent Enrollment Summer Academy

What is Concurrent Enrollment (CE) Summer Academy?

CE Summer Academy is an opportunity for high school students to take a concurrent enrollment class on a SLCC Campus during the summer. Priority is given to students who are the first person in their families to attend college. Students who participate in CE Summer Academy will also be given opportunities to mingle with other Summer Academy Students and will participate in activities to help them get to know the SLCC culture and student services. Students who successfully complete their classes will have college credit awarded on their SLCC college transcript. 

Additionally, students who participate in CE Summer Academy are eligible for a free UTA pass to help them get from their home to the Taylorsville-Redwood Campus. 

What are the Rules for Participation?

  • Students from public high schools within the Salt Lake Valley are eligible to participate.
  • Students must have completed their sophomore year in high school or be starting their senior year of high school at the end of the summer semester in which they participate in CE Summer Academy. 
  • Students must have a high school GPA of 3.0 or higher with a good attendance record. 
  • Priority is given to students who come from first-generation, college-going families and students who have completed fewer than 6 college credits.
  • Students may only register for one class. 
  • Students must commit to attending class throughout the entire summer. This means that family vacations may need to be posponed until before or after the summer semester. 
  • For ENGL 1010 and MATH 1030 students must meet course prerequisites which include:
    • ENGL 1010: Completion of High School Language Arts 11
    • MATH 1030: Completion of Secondary Math 1, 2, and 3. And either a C or better in each Secondary Math course or qualifying SLCC Placement or ACT scores. 

How much does it cost?

Students will pay the standard concurrent enrollment rate of $5/credit (about $15/class), plus any textbook and material fees, which are usually less than $100. If you were a regular adult student you would pay around $694 tuition for one class plus textbook and material fees, so this is an incredible deal. 

What Classes are Available?

Concurrent Enrollment Summer Academy offers the following classes that begin on June 17, 2025 and end on August 9, 2025. You can find descriptions of these courses here: SLCC Concurrent Enrollment Course Offerings.

Course Number
 Course Description
ART 1020 Intro to Drawing (FA) Taylorsville-Redwood (TAB 124)

1:20 PM - 4:30 PM

$15 + About $50 in art supplies
ENGL 1010 Introduction to Writing (EN) Taylorsville-Redwood (TAB 212) Mon/Wedn
9:00 AM - 11:50 AM
MATH 1030 Quantitative Reasoning (QL) Taylorsville-Redwood (TAB 214) Mon/Tues/Wedn
1:00 PM - 2:50 PM
$15 + $28.25 eTextbook
SLSS 1020 Introduction to Higher Education Taylorsville-Redwood (AAB 222) Mon/Tues/Wedn
10:00 AM - 11:50 PM


How do I sign up to participate?

Students complete the application to participate using the link below, and both the parent/guardian and student will be notified via the email provided if they are selected to participate in CE Summer Academy. We will send out notifications beginning in April.

If selected, the student will need to complete the following steps:

  1. If you are not already admitted to SLCC you will need to complete the SLCC Admission Application
  2. Register for the class no later than June 13 (the Friday before classes begin), following the instructions that will be provided in the email you receive. 
  3. Sign a student/parent agreement and return that to the Concurrent Enrollment Office by May 31. Students who fail to return this agreement will be dropped from the class. 
  4. Attend class every day between June 17 and August 9.

CE Summer Academy Application

Salt Lake Community College

4600 South Redwood Road
Salt Lake City, UT 84123
801-957-SLCC (7522)

Student Services Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8 am - 7 pm | Friday: 8 am - 4:30 pm

Enrollment Info: 801-957-4073
Monday - Thursday: 7:30 am - 8 pm | Friday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm | Saturday: 9 am - 1 pm

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