
Mindy Bateman
Mindy Bateman has worked with Utah AHEC Program for nearly 25 years and has served as the Crossroads Utah AHEC (CRAHEC) Center Director since 2009. In this role, Ms. Bateman has come to develop a unique skillset to help students with much to gain enter a health professions training program. Under her leadership, the CRAHEC works directly with individuals spanning the health professions pipeline – from future professionals to current professionals. Ms. Bateman recognizes that the field of health care is filled with career pathways that offer both financial stability and rewarding opportunities for personal growth. Ms. Bateman also works with the National AHEC Organization (NAO) where she has served on many committees including Finance, Conference Planning, Public Policy, and Development. In May of 2015 she was nominated to serve as member of the NAO board where she has served as Treasurer and NAO President. Currently she is serving as co-chair of NAO’s Conference Planning Committee.
Crossroads AHEC
SLCC Jordan Campus
3491 Wights Fort Road, JHS 120 A
West Jordan, UT 84088
Cell: 801-673-9981
Jordan Health Sciences (JHS)
120 A


Rachel Conrad
AHEC Program Coordinator
Rachel Conrad is the Program Coordinator at Crossroads Utah AHEC, where she is responsible for overseeing program coordination and management of healthcare pipeline programs including the Pre-health Summer and mentor programs. Working closely with the director, Rachel provides valuable support for the internship program and delivers classroom presentations as needed.
With a strong background in healthcare, both professionally and personally, Rachel brings a wealth of industry knowledge and insight to her role. She earned an associate degree in medical assisting from Salt Lake Community College, graduating with high honors.
Rachel is recognized for her adaptability, attention to detail, and creativity, all of which enhance her ability to connect with a wide range of individuals. Her empathetic nature allows her to build meaningful relationships and provide effective support to those around her.
Outside of work, Rachel enjoys spending time in the outdoors with her husband, as well as expressing her creativity through art and photography.

Lexi Zucker
Program Associate
Lexi graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Education in 2017. She then taught high school Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Environmental Science, and Anatomy and Physiology for six years. Lexi also has experience in healthcare and did pre-medical college coursework for two years. She has worked as a CNA in a memory care center, an anatomy and physiology tutor, and a cadaver lab assistant in college. Lexi enjoys working with teenagers and teaching about human anatomy and health careers.
Lexi lives in Herriman with her husband and two kids, who keep her very busy. She is working on creating a new charter school for grades 7-12 in Herriman and hopes to open the school in 2026. She also enjoys reading, philosophy, architecture, and writing short stories.
Mindy Bateman
Crossroads AHEC
Robert Beeler
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Salt Lake Community College
Mickelle C. Bos
CTE Assistant Director
Alpine School District
Angela Chavez
Director Student Programs
Intermountain Healthcare
Nicholas Cox, PharmD, BCACP
Assistant Professor of Pharmacy
University of Utah
Casey Himmelsbach, MBA, MS
Associate Dean for Student Affairs
Noorda College of Ostepathic Medicine
Ivette Lopez, PHD, MPH
Utah AHEC Program Office
Karen Mulitalo, MPAS, PA-C
Program Director
UVU PA Program
Juan Carlos Negrette, MBA
Director of Global Health
University of Utah
Megan Neuf
Workforce Program Manager
Association for Utah Community
Health (AUCH)
Chantel Olsen
CTE and Concurrent Enrollment Coordinator
Murray School District
Robert W. Pettitt, PhD, FACSM, ATC, CSCS
Dean, Health Science
Salt Lake Community College
Kaitlynn Rogers
Nursing Student
University of Utah
Tatiana Allen-Webb, MS, CCRP
Community Liaison
Community Faces of Utah
Duane Winden, PhD, MSN/ed, MS, RN
Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs
Roseman College of Dental Medicine