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Arts Fest 2024 Schedule


Welcome to the 17th Wasatch IronPen Writing Marathon, in which artists of the written word face off in a 24-hour writing competition! Adult and Youth writers of all experience levels can participate in one of three genres (Fiction, Non-fiction or Poetry) or can take on the IronPen Ultra and write in all three!

Writers of all experience levels can register for the marathon at the SLCC Community Writing Center (located at Library Square, Suite 8) or register online. Participants must register by Friday, June 28th, at 6:00 p.m. Registration for the IronPen is $10 for one genre (Fiction, Non-fiction, or Poetry) or $15 for the IronPen Ultra (all three genres).

After receiving the prompt on Friday, June 28th at 6:00 p.m., writers will have exactly 24 hours to write. Submissions are due Saturday, June 29th at 6:00 p.m. Visit the CWC's social media accounts (see below) or call 801-957-2192 for more details.

Winners will receive a gift card to the King’s English bookstore and a CWC gift bag. Honorable Mentions will receive a gift bag of CWC swag.

On Friday, June 28, 2024 at 6:00 p.m., a prompt will be posted on the CWC’s Facebook (@CommunityWritingCenter) and Instagram (@slcc_cwc) feeds. Participants must meaningfully incorporate the prompt into their submission. After receiving the prompt, writers will have exactly 24 hours to write.

Submissions are due via Submittable by 6:00 p.m. on June 29, 2024 @6:00 p.m. NOTE: the Submittable link will go live at 6:00 p.m. on June 28, 2024.

Please see our full rules and regulations



Friday, June 28th

12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
Bookmaking for Kids:

Craft a story and make it spring to life with drawings, stickers, paper folding, and more as you make your very own book. Parents are encouraged to participate with their children.

2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Graphic Novels for Beginners:

Learn the basics of how to combine words and images into a graphic novel or novella! In this intro-level workshop, artist Allison Hutto will help you collaborate on a story or start creating your own graphic novel or novella.

4:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Poetry as Spellcasting with Utah's Poet Laureate, Lisa Bickmore:

Write magical poetry that uses the enchantment of words.

5:35 – 6:35 p.m.
She Said Anthology Reading/Open Mic

2024 She Said Anthology artists, writers, photographers, and other creators are invited to come share excerpts of their anthology submissions on the WordFest Stage to celebrate their voices, stories, and imaginations. This will also function as the publication and launch of the 2024 She Said Anthology.

Location: WordFest Stage

6:00 p.m.
Wasatch IronPen Literary Marathon & Ultramarathon Starts!

The CWC will post the visual writing prompt for this year's competition on Facebook (@CommunityWritingCenter) and Instagram (@slcc_cwc) at 6:00 p.m. Writers registered for any of the competition categories will have 24 hours to respond to the prompt using poetry, short fiction, nonfiction, or all three (Ultramarathon).

6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
IronPen Writing + Crafting Stories Using Visual Inspiration Workshop:

Get to the CWC for submission guidelines and the prompt to start writing your 24-hour literary masterpiece! If you can’t make it to the CWC, the prompt will be posted on Facebook (@CommunityWritingCenter) and Instagram (@slcc_cwc) at 6:00 p.m. The workshop will also explore ways to use photography and art as inspiration for other stories you might want to write and share.

7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
La Poesía y la Música: Historias de Liberación y Resistencia. ¿Cuál es tu historia?:

Donde hay opresión surge la necesidad de alzar la voz para agitar conciencias. La música y la poesía como medios históricos de protesta en Hispanoamérica. Where there is oppression, the need to speak up to raise critical consciousness emerges. Music and Poetry as historic vehicles of protest in Hispanoamerica.

8:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Spanish Open Mic Night:

Join the CWC and Artes de México en Utah for an hour of Spanish poetry, stories, music, and more.

Location: WordFest Stage

Saturday, June 29th

12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
Sensory Workshop for Kids:

Make up a short story, poem, or other writing forms by being immersed in different sensory experiences, including senses that we often don’t talk about or think about like proprioception and balance. You’ll also explore senses that humans don’t have such as echolocation and electroception.

2:00 - 3:00 p.m.
From the Stage to the Page with David Gonzalez:

Join acclaimed performance poet and storyteller David Gonzalez, in From the Page to the Stage: How to perform your writing with a vibrant and moving voice.

4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Poems for Great Salt Lake with Utah's Poet Laureate, Lisa Bickmore:

Show your love for the lake by writing her a letter poem.

5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Summer Solstice Tarot Making & Storytelling:

In honor of summer solstice and its themes of transition, renewal, transformation, and connection, this workshop will explore the basics of writing and creating a tarot deck that explores those themes. Participants will learn about the importance of memoir, nature, and reflective writing in creating a tarot deck that is unique and meaningful to each person. We’ll explore how to infuse tarot writing and creating with our experiences, hopes, cultures, memories, desires, fears, and much more..

5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Great Salt Lake: Lake as Legacy/Lake as Future Reading/Open Mic:

2024 Great Salt Lake Anthology writers, artists, photographers, and other creators are invited to share excerpts of their submissions for the "Lake as Legacy/Lake as Future" submissions on the WordFest Stage. This is intended to foster further awareness about the plight of the lake while amplifying the voices and imaginations of creators working together to save, restore, and sustain our city's namesake.

Location: WordFest Stage

6:00 p.m.
Wasatch IronPen Literary Marathon & Ultramarathon Ends!

All submissions for the IronPen Marathon & Ultramarathon are due by 6:00 pm on Saturday, June 29. Participants must submit online via Submittable.

7:00 - 8 p.m.
Escritura Creativa: Cuento y Novela

Si eres una persona con emociones que expresar y creatividad que organizar, acompáñanos en este Taller donde descubrirás lo procesos, estrategias y desarrollo de dos modelos de escritura. ¡Porque todos podemos escribir! Taller en Español.

Sunday, June 30th

12:05 – 1:05 p.m.
Wasatch IronPen Competition Winners & Reading:

Winners of the Wasatch IronPen Marathon and Ultramarathon Competition announced at the Wordfest Stage. Winners and Honorable Mentions will be invited to read from their IronPen works.

Location: WordFest Stage

12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Screenplay Writing:

Writers with a passion for telling stories via cinema will learn about the basics of multimedia storytelling. This workshop is designed for aspiring screenwriters with little experience. Come learn how to develop your story idea/ideas for the screen.

2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Spinning Spooky Stories: Horror Writing with Jonathan Reddoch:

Join horror writer, Jonathan Reddoch, in exploring the craft and dark beauty of writing that chills, thrills, and allows you to invent things that go bump in the night.

4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Publishing Poetry & More with Ashley Vargas

Are You a poet or writer looking to take your work to the next level? Join Utah Arts Festival, Literary Arts Coordinator and award-winning literary artist Ms. AyeVee for a writing workshop covering topics like marketing, branding, submissions, and how to get paid as a writer.

5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Graphic Novels: Visual + Textual Storytelling:

For graphic storytellers who already know the basics elements of graphic novels and novellas. This workshop covers specific techniques for creating graphic novels and novellas from inking and coloring styles to page layout and story structure. Artist Allison Hutto will also answer questions and give feedback on participants’ work.

6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Don't Stop the Music: Songwriting Workshop:

Learn about song structure, lyrical writing, the power of place in songs, the history of protest songs, overcoming writing blocks, and more in this workshop. Join us as we discuss the power of storytelling, place, and protest in songwriting and learn how to write our own song/protest song. Come with a song idea in mind or to find inspiration.

All-Day Activities

Comic Book Panels
Exquisite Corpse Poems (Community Poetry Writing)
Flash Fiction
Flash Poetry
Flash Wilderness Writing
Found Poetry
Letters for the CWC's Letterbox
Paper Cranes
Pride Letters
Songwriting – write the line of a song
Spinny Wheel Writing

Call for Submissions


The SLCC Community Writing Center is part of the Great Salt Lake Collaborative (GSLC), a Solutions Journalism collaborative of well more than a dozen Utah organizations working together to share stories about Great Salt Lake and ways to protect our city’s dying namesake. For 2024, we are proud to announce a call for submissions for the "Lake as Legacy/Lake as Future" Community Anthology 2024.

We're especially interested in speculative fiction--written, visual, multimedia, performance--that responds to the themes of "lake as legacy" and/or "lake as future."

The first fifteen people who RSVP to and who are going to share their work, which can include visual, photography, or written works, will get a free ticket to arts fest.