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The Landscape En Plein Air


The Landscape En Plein Air! showcases paintings by SLCC students and instructors created in the ART 1580 Landscape Painting course throughout the Fall, Spring and Summer semesters of 2023-24. Along with the paintings, studies are displayed to show the process of how the fully-rendered color paintings come to life. Curated by SLCC Visual Art & Design instructor Rob Adamson.

The opening reception will be Thursday, May 16th from 5 - 7pm in the Edna Runswick Taylor Foyer at the Center for Media Arts, South City Campus.

The exhibit will be on display from May 16th through June 21st.

Enter the code GALLERY at the yellow kiosk for free parking in the stalls marked with yellow lines.

Eccles Gallery, Center For Arts & Media
South City Campus, Center for Arts & Media
1575 S State Street Salt Lake City, UT 84115