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Data Governance

SLCC's Data Governance Program

Data is the lifeblood of any modern organization, and Salt Lake Community College recognizes its immense potential. To ensure we harness this power responsibly and effectively, we've implemented a comprehensive Data Governance Program.

Why Data Governance Matters:

Effective data governance goes beyond mere data security. It's about maximizing the value of our data assets, minimizing risks associated with misuse, and fostering a culture of data-driven decision-making across the college. This program empowers us to:

  • Improve data quality and consistency: Reliable data is the foundation for informed decisions, and our program ensures data accuracy and standardization across all departments.
  • Reduce data-related risks: Strict data management practices minimize vulnerabilities to breaches, misuse, and non-compliance with regulations.
  • Enhance operational efficiency: By streamlining data processes and access, we unlock opportunities for improved efficiency and productivity.
  • Drive data-driven decision-making: Reliable, accessible data empowers every level of the college to make informed decisions, leading to better outcomes for students, faculty, and staff.

The Backbone of Our Program

Our Data Governance Program is built on a robust structure of roles and responsibilities, similar to how financial management relies on controllers, accountants, and budget-center managers. Just as these roles ensure responsible financial stewardship, our program empowers data trustees, stewards, and custodians to oversee specific data domains. These individuals, guided by clear rules and procedures, ensure the integrity, security, and accessibility of our data assets.

A Collaborative Approach

The Data Governance Council (DGC) serves as the guiding force behind our program. Composed of representatives from across the college, the DGC provides strategic direction, oversees implementation, and fosters collaboration between departments. This commitment to collaboration ensures that data governance is not a siloed effort, but rather an integrated part of how we operate as a college.