How We Help
The role of the Office of General Counsel (OGC) is to identify and meet the legal needs of Salt Lake Community College (SLCC). Its primary objective is to ensure the just and faithful execution of the federal, state, and local laws, regulations, policies, including all college policies.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The Office of the General Counsel’s client is Salt Lake Community College. The OGC provides legal services and advice regarding the College’s legal matters to College administrators responsible for those matters. The OGC does not provide legal advice and services for personal matters.
The Office of the General Counsel provides notary services during regular business hours by appointment. Please call (801) 957-4687 for more information.
All subpoenas should be forwarded to the Office of the General Counsel immediately. Courts impose strict and often very tight deadlines for responding to subpoenas. The OGC will work in partnership with you to ensure that all related laws are complied with and that you understand your obligations under the subpoena.
Please contact the Office of the General Counsel when you have questions about compliance with state or federal laws, when you need legal documents prepared or reviewed, prior to making a decision that has legal implications, when events transpire that may result in litigation, and when you desire legal guidance related to your role at SLCC.
Complaints related to discrimination or harassment are handled by multiple offices at the college depending on who is involved and how the discrimination or harassment occurred.
The best way to determine how to properly report any issue related to discrimination or harassment is to contact our office and we can direct you to the individual that would best be of help in this situation. Such offices may be EEO, Title IX, etc.
The Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) is Utah's public records law and the state equivalent of the federal Freedom of Information Act, also known as FOIA. GRAMA allows the public easy access to unrestricted public records. Members of the public may request access to certain physical or electronic records maintained by Salt Lake Community College through the Risk Management Office.