Vehicles non-compliant with SLCC Parking Regulations will be assessed a fine from $15 to $55 per instance. If not paid within 7 days of the date on citation, the original fine amount will double.
Citation Pay schedule
- Paid within 7 days, the citation amount remains the same.
- On the 8th day, the unpaid balance is eligible to be transfer to collections.
There are several ways to pay parking fines:
- Pay by phone: 801-957-4011
Monday – Thursday: 7 AM – 8 PM,
Friday: 7 AM – 4 PM - Pay in person at:
Parking Services Office, 4365 S 2200 W Ste 103, Taylorsville, UT 84129
- Mail with a check or money order to:
SLCC Parking Services
PO Box 30808
Salt Lake City, UT
84130-0808Write the citation number on the back of your check or money order.
Fines will be considered paid by the postmark date on the envelope.
If you have been notified that your fine has been sent to collections, follow the payment instruction on the notification. If you are unsure of the fine status, please contact Parking Services to verify.
Unpaid Fines
Unpaid fines will result in a hold on grades, transcripts and course registrations, and may result in collection fees and tax liens. All balances must be paid to remove the holds. Vehicles with unpaid citations may be booted or towed.
Booted Vehicles
If your vehicle has a boot on it, contact Parking Services at (801)957-4011 for further instruction. The Parking Services Office is open from 7am to 8pm Monday thru Thursday and 7am to 4pm on Fridays.
Boots will not be removed until payment is made for your total amount due in parking fines. Your total amount due will include the balance owing on any unpaid ticket(s) and the boot fee. You can pay online or in person at the Parking Services office or at any of the Cashier Offices. If you are attempting to pay after Parking Services’ business hours, contact Campus Security to assist you by calling the UHP Dispatch at (801)957-3800.
Note: Once your vehicle has been booted, you lose the right to appeal any citations associated with that instance. This includes the boot fee. Any appeals submitted for fees associated with a booted vehicle will be automatically denied.
To appeal a parking ticket, you can login into the online Parking Services Portal, click the “ Citations” tab at the top, and select “ Appeal Citation”. From there you will see which citations you’ve paid which are eligible for appeal. Select the citation you want to appeal and complete/submit the online form. All violations must be paid in full prior to submitting an appeal. Appeal forms must be turned in within 25 days of the date on your citation(s).
You will be notified of the results via email within 7 to 10 business days regarding the status of your appeal.
Extra fees applied from not paying your ticket within seven days will not be refunded, even if your appeal is successful.
If your appeal is denied, you can re-appeal by meeting with the appeals committee composed of students, faculty and staff. You have 25 days from the date of your appeal's denial to schedule this appointment. Call Parking Services at 801-957-4011 to schedule a meeting with the committee.
Note: Once your vehicle has been booted, you lose the right to appeal any citations associated with that instance. This includes the boot fee. Any appeals submitted for fees associated with a booted vehicle will be automatically denied.