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INK Group


INK is an online source for Graphic Design students, professionals, and anyone passionate about the visual communication industry. It was started in 2010 by two talented Salt Lake Community College Visual Art & Design alumni, Casey Kim and Nadya Bratt.

Kerry Gonzáles, Associate Professor and Graphic Design & Communications Specialization Rep, and INK Advisor took over the site when Casey and Nadya graduated in 2011.

Now retired, Associate Professor Emeritus Kerry Gonzáles continues to connect with a very large group of Graphic Design & Communications alumni. Kerry continues to post stories on the INK website regularly, working hard to promote and support her alumni, all of whom she is so very proud.

INK encourages creative and professional growth by providing access to job information, design news, scholarships, resources, portfolio reviews and activities in an environment which creates genuine connections with other visual art students and creative professionals.

Please follow INK and look for future INK Shows!

For more information about INK contact Kerry:

Ink Link

INK SLCC is an AIGA student group that strives to help members get off on the right foot in their design and art careers. We encourage creative and professional growth by providing access to information, resources, advice, critiques, portfolio reviews, activities and an environment to create genuine connections with other visual art students and creative professionals. As the official AIGA student group at SLCC, we are also your direct link to the information and events available to AIGA members.

INK is currently open to SLCC VAD students and alumni. Current students must be declared Graphic Design, Illustration or Photography Majors.