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At SLCC, you can take courses in the Theatre Department in Performance, Technical Theatre, and Analysis, as well as courses in the Film, Music, and Fashion Departments to meet degree requirements. Check out some of our great course options.

Learn more about our courses

Offered Fall:

  • THEA 1013 - Survey of Theatre (FA)
  • THEA 1033 - Acting 1 - Basic Acting (FA0
  • FLM 1100 - Acting for Film
  • THEA 1113 - Voice and Diction
  • THEA 1160 - Technical Theatre Lab
  • THEA 1190 - Theatre Production (come work on/act in a show!)
  • THEA 1223 - Stage Makeup
  • THEA 1513 - Technical Theatre - Stagecraft
  • THEA 1900 - Special Projects in Theatre
  • THEA 2000 - Technical Theatre Internship
  • THEA 2033 - Acting II - Scene Study
  • THEA 2150 - Audition Techniques for Stage and Screen
  • THEA 2350 - Costume Design
  • THEA 2513 - Design for Stage and Screen
  • THEA 2900 - Special Topics

Offered Spring:

  • THEA 1013 - Survey of Theatre (FA)
  • THEA 1030 - Voice and Movement for the Actor
  • THEA 1033 - Acting 1 - Basic Acting (FA)
  • THEA 1160 - Technical Theatre Lab
  • THEA 1190 - Theatre Production (come work on/act in a show!)
  • THEA 1223 - Stage Makeup
  • THEA 1513 - Technical Theatre - Stagecraft
  • THEA 1713 - Script AnalysisTHEA 1900 - Special Projects in Theatre
  • THEA 2000 - Technical Theatre Internship
  • THEA 2033 - Acting II - Scene Study
  • THEA 2203 - Costume Construction
  • THEA 2443 - Musical Theatre Performance
  • THEA 2540 - Introduction to Stage Lighting
  • THEA 2900 - Special Topics

Offered Summer:

  • THEA 1033 - Acting 1 - Basic Acting (FA)
  • THEA 1190 - Theatre Production (come work on/act in a show!)
  • THEA 1900 - Special Projects in Theatre
  • THEA 2000 - Technical Theatre Internship
  • THEA 2413 - Voiceover Acting
  • THEA 2900 - Special Topics


For more information, contact us!