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Brother 2 Brother

Brother 2 Brother: The Brother 2 Brother program is a chapter of the African American Brotherhood (SAAB), a national student organization designed to improve the educational experience and promote successful college completion among; African American, Latino, Asian, Pacific Islander and other underrepresented students.

Somos Mas!

Somos Más is an Student engagement, experience & Achievement (SEEA) program designed to assist and support Students of Color in ACHIEVING their academic goals and OWNING their educational journey. It focuses on retention, academic excellence, and completion/graduation through a holistic approach led by individuals of similar backgrounds and supported by those wanting to assist People of Color in succeeding!

Olene S. Walker Transition to Adult Living (TAL) Scholarship and Mentoring Program

TALS: Olene S. Walker Transition to Adult Living Scholarship (TALS) is a scholarship designed to assist qualified youth who are transitioning out of state foster care or the unaccompanied refugee minor program to complete a post-secondary education program (degree or certificate) at one of the Utah Higher Education institutions.