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Somos Más is an Student engagement, experience & Achievement (SEEA) program designed to assist and support Students of Color in ACHIEVING their academic goals and OWNING their educational journey. It focuses on retention, academic excellence, and completion/graduation through a holistic approach led by individuals of similar backgrounds and supported by those wanting to assist People of Color in succeeding!

Somos Más’ mission is to support you in the following three main ways:

1. Retention – ensuring SLCC students persist semester after semester through support strategies, including seeking out financial aid options, building a sense of community through school and community events, and building support through family events and community partnerships
2. Academic Excellence – students will be held accountable (responsible) for doing their best in the classroom, where it counts! They will have one-on-one meetings with the program coordinator where they will discuss and later implement personalized ways the student can achieve their full academic potential
3. Completion/Graduation – receive ongoing support from Program of Study academic advisor to thoroughly plan out student’s course/graduation map here at SLCC. Students need to be able to see the end from the beginning in order to stay motivated and work hard to achieve their academic goals!
We believe that by coming together through SLCC partnerships and assisting students in these key ways, they will be that much more prepared to achieve their goals and own their education journey!

Juntos, Somos Más
(Together, we are more!)

Contact info:
Kimberly Querales | Student Success Coordinator Hispanic/Latinx students
801-957-3713 | | Taylorsville Redwood STC 101 F