Equality & Representation
About Equality & Representation
The Equality & Representation Board supports students in their co-curricular activities which are experiences outside of the classroom. This board serves as a communication channel between SLCC students and the SLCC Administration, advocating for shared governance in decision making and positive campus change.
The SLCCSA Equality and Representation board meets Tuesdays from 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm in STC 126B. Meetings are open to SLCC students, faculty, and staff. Please reach out to Dean Stewart and copy Lola Moli to request time on the agenda. You can find our contact information below!
Purpose statement
- Gain input from the student body about issues and concerns within their co-curricular experiences.
- Raise awareness on student issues and concerns pertaining to co-curricular activities.
- Identify strategies and collaborate with campus partners to resolve student issues and improve the student experience as a whole.
Contact Us
Dean Stewart Vice President for Equality & Representation Please include Assistant Director, Lola Moli, lola.moli@slcc.edu on all email communications with the SLCCSA Vice President for Equity & Diversity. |
Lola Moli Assistant Director, Student Leadership |