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Short-Term Intensive Training

High Quality Training Solutions

Is there workforce training that could enhance your job performance, assist in securing a promotion, or help you gain employment?
Short Term Intensive Training (STIT) Funding is available for approved noncredit programs. If your application for funding is approved, STIT may cover up to 50% of the costs associated with your program, subject to funding availability. (See Program Offerings below for more details).
STIT is offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
To be eligible for STIT funding, you must be over the age of 18 and a Utah resident.

For more information contact Ben Kelly, STIT Coordinator.


STIT Benefits:

Individuals receive tuition assistance for high quality, short-term, noncredit training that aligns with industry-specific needs. STIT trainings can assist with:

  • Improving job skills
  • Employment
  • Career Change
  • Training Certification/Licensure
  • Training for jobs that are in current demand in the Workforce
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