Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)
If you are a legal resident in a state participating with Western Undergraduate Exchange program (WUE), you may be eligible to attend SLCC at a reduced-tuition rate while maintaining residency in your home state.
Nonresident tuition at SLCC can cost 200 percent more than resident tuition. Participation in WUE lowers that to just 50 percent more, plus your regular student fees.
Students who are legal residents of Alaska, American Samoa, Arizona, California, Colorado, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, Republic of Marshall Islands, Republic of Palau, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming are eligible for the WUE program.
During the time you are enrolled at SLCC as a WUE student, you are not eligible to establish Utah Residency for tuition purposes. https://www.slcc.edu/admissions/residency.aspx
Salt Lake Community College allows WUE students to enroll in all programs except Dental Hygiene, Medical Assistant, Nursing, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Physical Therapy Assistant, Surgical Technology, and Radiology Technology. Restricted programs are subject to change each academic year, based on enrollment.
Residency Deadlines
Spring 2025 Semester:
Deadline to submit all documentation to meet the tuition and fee payment: January 21, 2025.
Fall 2025 Semester:
Deadline to submit all documentation to meet the tuition and fee payment: September 3, 2025.
WUE applicants must be
- Accepted as a degree-seeking student at SLCC
- A legal resident of one of the 16 participating states
- Enrolled in a non-restricted major
How do I apply to WUE?
- Complete the SLCC Application for Admission as a degree-seeking student
- Complete the Residency Classification in your MySLCC. To access, log-in to your MySLCC. Search “Residency Classification” to find the applicable card. Here you will see submissions for “Application for Residency Classification”.

For more WUE information, visit Western Undergraduate Exchange.
For questions, please contact the Residency Specialist at residency@slcc.edu or 801-957-5044.